No estimates: dream or reality - Darryn Downey

12th January 2023
  • Locked
No estimates: dream or reality - Darryn Downey image
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Talk Description

Estimation is key to the success of any agile team...or is it?

This talk will answer that question. If you get a headache when someone says story points time or the thought of another planning meeting leaves you sick, this talk is for you. We will discuss what estimation is, why folks think its needed, and how we can remove it.


Speaker bio: Darryn Downey

Darryn has worked as part of many agile teams, and is passionate about delivering bug free on time software using lean and agile methodologies. He has a passion for learning and enjoys sharing his findings with others. He has gone through a testing journey starting with automation and leading to coaching.

You can read his testing and agile views here:


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