Weekly Software Testing Newsletter: Test Automation - WHY?

Weekly Software Testing Newsletter: Test Automation - WHY?

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TimeShiftX – Start Time Traveling Today 
TimeShiftX lets you time travel your software to test date and time sensitive functionality and code such as year-end, daylight savings, and billing. Employ instant time travel inside Active Directory & Kerberos without code or system clock changes and removing all pain points.


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  • Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby! - I’m not done learning JavaScript yet, so I thought: do you know what, let’s look at some other languages now. 
  • The beauties of Cypress.io - Cypress is a lightweight, Nodejs based application with no dependencies needed to do the basics.
  • Your Test Cases Are Slowing You Down - Instead of taking hours of time maintaining test cases, you can use your time to automate most of your tests, freeing up even more time for manual exploratory testing.  

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