Posted: Sep 6, 2022

Introducing Bookmarking

We are glad to introduce you to our new MoT platform feature, Bookmarking.

See something interesting on the timeline and don't have time to investigate it fully just yet? Bookmark it and come back to it later.

You can see all the content you bookmarked using the link on the navigation bar, or the link on the My MoT page. Here you can sort your bookmarks, putting the most interesting content first, or filter your bookmarks if, say, you only have a few minutes so just want to see some blog posts you can read. Finally, you are able to remove bookmarks, either individually or all at once.


A note about the development of this feature: It is the first time we have been able to use Hotwire and we found it fairly straightfoward to use, and have been coming up with many other use cases for it, that we expect to improve the user experience across the site.


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Hello, I'm

Richard Bradshaw

Richard Bradshaw is an experienced tester, consultant and generally a friendly guy. He shares his passion for testing through consulting, training and giving presentation on a variety of topics related to testing. He is a fan of automation that supports testing. With over 10 years testing experience, he has a lot of insights into the world of testing and software development. Richard is a very active member of the testing community. Richard blogs at and tweets as @FriendlyTester. He is also the creator of the YouTube channel, Whiteboard Testing.