Posted: Jun 10, 2021

Launching the Learn Timeline Page

We've launched a replacement for our catalog page. This page is a timeline of all our content that lets you learn something about the world of testing. It is the next page to use our timeline structure, something that we have plans to improve on and roll out further throughout the site.

Why Change This Page?

This page was previously a wall of images. Where the only context given to the user was an image and a title. It also wasn't obvious how to view all of a specific content type. Plus the bottom of the page became a dumping ground for content that doesn't really have a place on the site to call home. We hope these changes, and its only version one, will make it easier to discover content, and keep up to date with all that's happening content-wise at Ministry of Testing.

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Richard Bradshaw

Richard Bradshaw is an experienced tester, consultant and generally a friendly guy. He shares his passion for testing through consulting, training and giving presentation on a variety of topics related to testing. He is a fan of automation that supports testing. With over 10 years testing experience, he has a lot of insights into the world of testing and software development. Richard is a very active member of the testing community. Richard blogs at and tweets as @FriendlyTester. He is also the creator of the YouTube channel, Whiteboard Testing.