How Collaborating with the Wider Business Helps with Testing

14th December 2023
  • Locked
Al Goodall's profile
Al Goodall

Quality Manager

How Collaborating with the Wider Business Helps with Testing image
Talk Description

This talk is going to look at why engaging with the wider business in particular sales can help with testing. This collaborative approach worked in my context and there will be ideas and approaches that could help you. This learning comes from a mobile project I worked on that was proving tricky to demo and for pre - sales to have sight of the new features being released. 

We’re going to cover why it’s important to engage with this area of the business on that they had: 

  • Insight into what customers are saying, thinking, and asking about the product
  • A view on what’s important to users in terms of use cases for test generation and rationalising what to focus on

Given that we testers are in effect the first user to touch a feature. By engaging with other areas of the business we get a better understanding of what our customers are doing, which in turn helps us as testers get closer to testing as our end users would use our software.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Learn why getting close to what our customers (actual and prospective) are doing contributes to testing
  • The importance of building relationships outside of the engineering arena can contribute to quality
  • How setting up demo sessions, sharing content etc can assist
Al Goodall's profile'

Al Goodall

Quality Manager

I have been working in the software quality space for over 20 years at Workforce Software starting as a software tester and now heading up the quality discipline for a domain. In my spare time I like to run and I have a collection of first editions by Craig Thomas, Tom Clancy, and John le Carré.
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