Selenium Grid 4 & Sauce Labs

13th January 2023
  • Locked
Diego Molina's profile
Diego Molina

Staff Software Engineer Open Source & Community

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Talk Description

Join Diego Molina from Sauce Labs as he shares how you can utilise Selenium Grid 4 with Sauce Labs. He demonstrates how to use the new Dynamic Grid that is included in Selenium Grid 4. He then shares how you can blend your own Selenium Grid with Sauce Labs to give you more browser options when your own infrastructure is exhausted. Diego finishes by sharing an experiment Sauce Labs are currently working on, called Sauce To Go.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Understand the benefits of Dynamic Grid
Diego Molina's profile'

Diego Molina

Staff Software Engineer Open Source & Community

Diego is an avid Software Engineer with a deep love for testing. He aims to improve the testing landscape by crafting tools and robust testing infrastructure that empower individuals and organizations to test smarter and simpler. Diego is a Selenium tech lead and lead of the Open Source Program Office at Sauce Labs. He is a Staff Software Engineer for Open Source and Community at Sauce Labs.
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  • ui-automation
  • automation