Rediscovering Test Strategy - Mike Talks

13th January 2023
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Mike Talks

Technical Product Owner - Testing

Rediscovering Test Strategy - Mike Talks image
Talk Description

Sometimes it can seem that the strategy for testing is something written in stone, copied and pasted unchanged from one project to the next. A template where you just change a few names and dates, and it's done!

The last decade has been a game changer for IT - from seeing new frameworks such as agile rise in dominance, to the very way we consume technical and data service radically change with the introduction of handheld devices.

Suddenly, "what we've always done" has it's own risks, because what we're doing now is nothing like what we've always done! Mike Talks will take you through some of the lures and the traps in test strategy.

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What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Understand how a test strategy can trap you
Mike Talks's profile'

Mike Talks

Technical Product Owner - Testing

Mike Talks works in Wellington, shaping testing approaches for a number of projects. He loves strategy in all shapes and sizes, having helped to deliver all shapes and size of project. However, challenge him to a game of chess, and he might need clarification of "how does the horsey move again?".
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