TestBash Brighton 2024 banner image

TestBash Brighton 2024

We’re shaking things up and bringing TestBash back to Brighton on September 12th and 13th, 2024.
Organized by:
MoT logo
Ministry of Testing
Brighton Dome
Thu, 12 Sep 2024
Fri, 13 Sep 2024

We’re shaking things up and bringing TestBash back to Brighton on September 12th and 13th, 2024.

Not only that, we’re seeing that AI is changing the way we think and approach our testing.

We will have one day dedicated to all things AI and Testing.

  • TestBash Day 1: Software Testing + AI
  • TestBash Day 2: Other hot software testing topics

TestBash Brighton will have the extra special homecoming vibes, taking us back to where our testing magic flourished. We’re using it as an opportunity to refresh how we approach our conferences.

Over the years conferences have intensified and focused efforts on speakers as the main contributors. We’re changing this and recognising that it takes many people to make a conference experience feel worthwhile and one to remember.

We no longer solely have a call to speak, we have a call to contribute. There are many ways to contribute to TestBash and we massively appreciate them all.


Before, during and after TestBash, there will be a lot of opportunities to network and socialise with the community.

What's happening:

Pre-TestBash Meetup

  • When: Wednesday, the 11th of September, from 6 PM to 9 PM
  • Where: Bison Beach Bar - Address: 300 Madeira Dr, Brighton BN2 1BX (Google Maps link)
  • What: This event is kindly sponsored by our fantastic sponsors Keysight.
  • Important: Registrations are free and limited to 130, so make sure you REGISTER HERE as soon as possible before they all go! 🎟️

TestBash Social

  • When: Thursday, the 12th of September, from 7 PM onwards
  • Where: In Brighton, venue soon to be confirmed
  • What: At this social event, there will be plenty of networking opportunities, games, music and more! More details coming soon.

Post-TestBash Social

  • When: Friday, the 13th of September, from 6:30 PM onwards
  • Where: In Brighton, venue soon to be confirmed
  • What: It's a Friday after all! Make sure to book your travel back home for Saturday and join other TestBashers in a post-TestBash social. Share what you've learned, your key takeaways, have a laugh and say your farewells or until the next one!
  • 09:50
    How Generative AI Works (a Very Rough Guide)
    with Jarsto van Santen
    Jarsto van Santen image

    Let's build a language model together! Think it's impossible in the timeframe? Well, it's not going to be a general purpose Large Language Model. In fact, it's going to be a highly limited, incredibly Tiny Language Model. It's not about what the Language Model can do in this case, it's about what building it will show us.

    I believe that to make truly effective use of a tool we need to have a rough understanding of how it works. But for many testers and automators LLMs seem to be a black box: we don't know how they work, so we're not sure when to use them or not to use them.

    Making a TLM based on audience input is just one of the ways in which this talk aims to give a rough guide to how Generative AI works. So that we don't end up doing the equivalent of trying to push a nail into a wall with a screwdriver, or using a chainsaw instead of sandpaper.

    What you’ll learn
    • How to effectively use generative AI
    • Why generative AI struggles with some tasks
    • What we can and can't fix with better prompting
  • 10:40
    Quality Statements for LLMs: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
    with Bastian Knerr and Dr. Niels Heller
    Bastian Knerr image
    Dr. Niels Heller image

    AI as a buzzword is everywhere. It will steal our jobs, make us all obsolete and in the end: It will rule the world. We've been experiencing a shift in paradigms for two years and, most prominently, Large Language Models like LLaMA, ChatGPT or BARD are re-shaping industries and our everyday lives.

    Using a Co-Pilot for Coding or Testing is seen as enhancing production and lowering barriers to entry.
    But now that the uses of these LLMs are increasing rapidly:

    • Who is testing them?
    • And what actually is Quality in the age of AI?

    In this talk, I want to provide results from my experience in projects of testing Large Language Models and regressive AI. I will explain the high-level function of a Large Language Model.

    I will translate the components of a Copilot onto a newly thought testing pyramid from the component level to the system level. Now that we have a sort of framework to test LLMs, I will outline the metrics used and why testers will still be needed in the age of AI - maybe even more than ever.

    What you’ll learn
    • Learn how a Large Language Model works on a high level and possible pitfalls for testing
    • Discover a high-level standardized approach to testing Large Language Models
    • Understand a new testing pyramid: What's the component level in LLM systems?
    • What is quality in the age of AI? What metrics can we use - and how contextual are they?
    • Understand the importance of a tester's perspective and why testers will still be important going forward
  • 11:55
    Enhancing Test Automation with Playwright and AI: A Journey of Innovation
    with Christine Pinto
    Christine Pinto image

    In an era where test automation and AI are reshaping the software development landscape, my talk, "Enhancing Test Automation with Playwright and AI: A Journey of Innovation," offers a dive into my personal evolution within this dynamic space. As an Automation Engineer with over 15 years in the tech industry, I've witnessed first-hand the transformative power of cutting-edge technologies. My recent foray into using Playwright, coupled with AI, marked a pivotal shift in my approach to test automation, programming language transitions, and debugging methodologies.

    This presentation will chart the course of my journey from initial experimentation with Playwright for Chrome extension testing to the strategic integration of AI tools like ChatGPT. I'll share how these technologies revolutionized my workflow, from effortlessly transitioning code snippets between JavaScript and TypeScript to generating robust test case scenarios and navigating complex debugging scenarios with unprecedented ease. The focus will not only be on the technicalities but also on the practical implementation and the tangible benefits observed in real-world projects.

    Beyond personal insights, the session aims to equip participants with actionable strategies and innovative approaches to leverage Playwright and AI in their test automation endeavours. By dissecting challenges, solutions, and learnings, the talk will inspire attendees to explore new horizons in automation, enhancing their skill set and propelling their projects forward in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

    What you’ll learn
    • Gain insights into the transition process from traditional automation frameworks to Playwright, including the challenges and benefits encountered
    • Learn how AI tools, particularly ChatGPT, can be utilized for enhancing test case generation, facilitating language transitions, and streamlining debugging processes in test automation
    • Discover actionable strategies for integrating Playwright and AI into your testing workflows, enhancing efficiency, and effectiveness based on real-world project examples
    • Understand the role of AI in easing the transition between programming languages within the context of test automation, making your scripts more robust and maintainable
    • Explore innovative approaches to debugging test scripts with the aid of AI, reducing time and effort in identifying and resolving issues
    • Be inspired to stay adaptive and forward-thinking in your approach to test automation, embracing new tools and methodologies to stay competitive and innovative
  • 12:45
    P’AI’r With Peers: Optimise Your pAIr Testing Game
    with Ashutosh Mishra
    Ashutosh Mishra image

    Have you ever been intimidated by any of the below - joining a new team or organization; working on a totally different Technology Stack; or working in an organization where testers are working in silos oblivious of the bigger picture impacting overall quality.

    Well, the answer to all these can be in the practice of pair testing and doing it right when practising it with peers.

    When I moved to a new continent, to join new teammates working in completely different Technologies - the introduction of pairing made my life easier. So, how did I do it?
    Introduced the pairing practice to the culture of the Quality team.

    This helped me to:

    • understand Tech stack, work culture, product and processes
    • grasp the length and breadth of the Tech stack by daring to pair with everyone: Engineering Manager, Product Owner, Developers and of course Testers in other teams

    But, naturally, there was resistance initially.

    In this talk, I share ways of introducing pair testing to teams and organizations. For example, start with scheduling a Pair testing session with peers at least once a week, which can be open for anyone to join in the organization. In my experience, it has been so impactful that it gets people curious to join initially and eventually makes them comfortable with the idea.
    Everything sounds easier said than done until now; what if your peers have tight deadlines and developers are busy? In that case, let's turn to AI tools. These can be a game changer in pAIring and assisting. In my talk I will also discuss how these tools can be leveraged and speed up testing in multiple ways.

    Join me in this talk as I share my experiences of pair testing with my peers as well as AI. And let's delve into the idea if the future of pair testing is only with AI.

    What you’ll learn
    • The different ways in which Pair testing can be included in your Test Strategy
    • The knowledge of the tools which can be good pair testing companions with AI
    • The optimal ways of Pair testing with Testers, Developers, peers in the team and AI
  • 14:30
    Responsible AI: Opportunities and Challenges for Testers
    with Bill Matthews
    Bill Matthews image

    As the use of AI in decision-making systems skyrockets, companies are under mounting pressure to ensure their AI deployments uphold ethical standards and inspire trust. Recent moves by many countries to introduce regulation targeting the use of AI is adding further pressure and the need for companies to show compliance.

    Responsible AI is an emerging framework of principles and practices aimed at fostering the development of ethical, human-centered AI systems that prioritize robustness, reliability and trustworthiness.

    This talk unpacks the essence of Responsible AI, shedding light on its core practices and highlighting the pivotal role testers can play building responsible and trustworthy AI systems.

    While this is a great opportunity for testers it is not without its challenges and we will dive the obstacles and mindset shifts testers must navigate to collaborate in building Responsible AI systems.

    We will end this talk with a recommended roadmap for testers who want to contribute to responsible AI systems.

    What you’ll learn
    • Appreciate what Responsible AI is and isn’t
    • Understand the role of testing and testers with Responsible AI
    • How to develop your own roadmap to get involved
  • 15:20
    Beyond Creation: Leveraging AI in Test Automation to Solve the Right Problems
    with Titus Fortner
    Titus Fortner image

    Successful test automation implementations are notoriously difficult, and likely even the majority of teams are not getting the minimum necessary value from their efforts. Companies are increasingly turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the answer, but so far the focus has been on making it easier to create the tests themselves. This can be useful, but it does not address the actual bottleneck: the requirement to maintain accurate test results over time. We need to focus on how AI can help testers rather than replace them.

    In this talk, Titus will discuss the limitations of AI in its current form, and highlight data from multiple studies and surveys relating to how developers are actively using Large Language Models (LLMs) to identify their strengths and weaknesses. It is commonly known that LLMs hallucinate, so, similar to how testers are responsible for verifying the quality of the application they are testing, testers also need to verify the quality of the AI output in their workflows.

    This talk will use the Selenium repository as an example to show how ChatGPT was used to automate the complicated Selenium build and release process. It will show how LLM tooling can provide value for both code generation and code management

    The bottom line — to harness the full potential of AI in test automation, we must shift our focus from generating tests to empowering testers. By doing so, we can address the real problems facing test automation today, ensuring more sustainable and effective outcomes.

    What you’ll learn
    • Understanding the limitations of current AI implementations in test automation and the need to shift focus towards empowering testers
    • Exploring the role of Large Language Models (LLMs) in identifying strengths and weaknesses in test automation processes
    • Learning how AI, particularly LLMs, can be leveraged for both code generation and code management in test automation workflows, using the Selenium repository as a case study
  • 17:25
    Panel Discussion

    More details about this Panel Discussion will be coming soon.

  • 18:15
    99-Second Talks

    It's not a TestBash without 99 Second Talks!

    The 99 Second Talks is the attendee's stage, an opportunity for you to come on stage and talk for, that's right, 99 seconds.

    You can talk about anything, a testing topic you want to share, a personal experience, or an idea sparked by all the amazing talks, workshops, activities and conversations you've had for the past two days... the stage is yours, for 99 seconds!

    This is also a great opportunity for you to kick-start your public speaking experience and/or give it a boost!

    Our host will introduce you on stage and start the clock. As soon as the time's up, a noise will be heard and that's it: time's up!

    What you’ll learn
    • Contribute with your knowledge
    • Share your testing stories
    • Practise public speaking
    • Learn directly from your peers
  • 09:50
    Testing and Evaluating LLM Applications
    with Bill Matthews
    Bill Matthews image

    The introduction of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as Chat-GPT continues to have a significant impact in many domains and enables companies to build applications that use LLMs and are part of the core decision-making process.

    In this practical workshop, we will dive into the challenging world of testing and evaluating such LLM Apps.

    The session will start with a short introduction to what LLM Applications are and how they are built before diving into a risk-based approach to testing and evaluating LLMs through a set of hands-on exercises and discussions.

    1. General and Domain/Task specific Risk Identification for LLM Apps
    2. The relationship between Evaluation and Testing<
    3. Practical approaches and methods for Evaluating and Testing LLMs
    4. Building test approaches for LLMs

    By the end of the session, you will have a framework for thinking about and building test approaches for LLM Applications.

    The session will include a demo LLM application to explore so access to an internet-connected device is recommended but not essential.

    Beyond that, just bring your curiosity and critical thinking skills.

    What you’ll learn
    • Understand the different types of technical risks that impact LLM applications
    • Learn how to design effective evaluations for LLM applications
    • Experience building a Risk-Based test approaches for LLMs
  • 11:35
    Use Generative AI To Collate and Visualise Multiple Sources
    with Katy Bradshaw and Scott Hackeson
    Katy Bradshaw image
    Scott Hackeson image

    This workshop will look to work through different scenarios, gathering text and images from websites and collating them into one source. An example test case will exist and with the use of GitHub Co-pilot, you will learn how to aid the creation of additional scenarios.

    Alongside your preferred IDE, GitHub CoPilot and Microsoft Fabric (Processing, masking sense and augmenting generative AI), there will be two different technology options to choose from on the day:

    Option A

    Option B

    The workshop will be split into 3 parts:

    1. Scraping and collating the data
    2. Creating prompts to produce images based on the collated data
    3. Testing the implementation and increasing coverage
    What you’ll learn
    • Be familiar with Azure/GCP terms
    • Understand how existing data can be transformed into meaningful content
    • Be more confident in working with AI and cloud data
    • Ability to determine how the solution(s) could be generated in a repeatable mannor
    • Understand of how to provide test coverage in the AI space
  • 14:05
    AI As Your Pythonic Testing Assistant
    with Michal Pilarski and Mateusz Adamczak
    Michal Pilarski image
    Mateusz Adamczak image

    Modern software testing demands creativity. In this context, fusing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Python versatility could really improve software quality. Automated software testing, just like another form of writing programs, very often still is just typing text into an IDE. Recently, with the development of LLMs (Large Language Models), new AI tools arrived which could help us with the process. Integrating OpenAI ChatGPT or Google Bard (Gemini) with Python (PyTest) would inspire testers and finally result in added value in the testing process.

    Together with workshop participants, teachers would like to go through:

    1. Static testing of software requirements in PyTest using ChatGPT and Bard (Gemini)
    2. Dynamic unit testing of simple Python function in PyTest using ChatGPT and Bard (Gemini)
    3. Simple functional testing of web application in PyTest using ChatGPT and Bard (Gemini)

    Let’s evaluate if AI is really an effective bug hunter. Does it accelerate the testing process or introduce an element of creativity, which improves conventional methods? Or maybe it is not a revolution and just only another testing tool? The workshop will provide the answers.

    What you’ll learn
    • Gather knowledge of testing automation in Python (PyTest)
    • Getting familiar with AI plugins in Python IDLE (Code Editor)
    • Recognise pros and cons of ChatGPT and Bard (Gemini) in testing process
  • 16:35
    Security with Generative AI
    with Jack Harris and Ryan Lobo
    Jack Harris image
    Ryan Lobo image

    Generative AI is transforming the way we interact with technology, but with great power comes great responsibility - ensuring the security and robustness of your generative AI applications is paramount. 

    Join Jack and Ryan from Google in this interactive workshop where they'll be exploring the critical security threats to your generative AI-powered solutions, as well as the defence mechanisms to use to mitigate those threats. They'll be walking through prompt injection attacks, sensitive information disclosure, insecure output handling and excessive agency, and touching on risks such as training data poisoning and model theft.

    Get hands-on with some of the latest technology from Google, but no prior experience in software engineering, cloud computing, security or generative AI is required as we'll primarily be using natural language to compromise some running applications.  

    What you’ll learn
    • Identify the threats to your generative AI application
    • Experience practical examples of how to test for vulnerabilities in generative AI applications
    • Understand defence mechanisms and mitigations to those threats and vulnerabilities
  • 11:25
    with Beren Van Daele
    Beren Van Daele image

    The RiskStorming session format is a wonderful way of generating a visible Test Strategy as a team that focuses your strategy to answer the following questions:

    1. What is important to our product?

    2. What risks could impact these important aspects?

    3. What can we do, as a team, to make sure they don't happen?


    1. Understand the product under test well enough

    2. Take the 25 Quality Aspect TestsSphere cards and pick the 6 most important ones within 10 minutes

    3. Take sticky notes and add 2-3 risks per chosen TestSphere card within 10 minutes

    4. Take the other TestSphere cards and match risk-mitigating activities for each Risk within 10 minutes


    By the end of the activity, you’ll have a much better understanding of what quality actually means for your product or epic as well as what could potentially harm it. Not just you, but everyone on the team understands how they can prepare, defend and explore against risks which could severely impact the project. Quality becomes clear to everyone and everyone’s responsibility.


  • 11:25
    API Collaboration and Testing with Postman
    with Danny Dainton
    Danny Dainton image

    In this session, you will learn the different ways you could collaborate on an API in Postman with your team or users. We’ll walk you through a suite of features that improve team productivity, reduce onboarding time, and make your API more discoverable and easy to collaborate on. We’ll also cover API testing in Postman, demonstrating how you can build a robust test suite for your APIs. You'll author some post-response scripts, automate tests, and dynamically control workflows using the Collection Runner.


    • Login to your Postman account at go.postman.co

    • Go to the Test Bash workspace at go.pstmn.io/testbash-2024

    • Fork the “API Collaboration and Testing” collection to your Workspace

    • Follow the instructions in the Collection documentation and let us know if you have any questions.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Enhanced API collaboration capabilities for API producers and consumers.

    • Strategies to improve team productivity and reduce onboarding time.

    • Techniques for making APIs more discoverable and easier to work with.


    • Postman Learning Center helps you learn more about specific Postman features.

    • The Postman Community Forum is a great place to connect with Postman's community and seek help when you need it.

    • We have tons of video resources on YouTube.

    • Learn about our latest feature releases in this blog post by Postman’s CEO, Abhinav Asthana.

    • We’re always listening! If you want to request a new feature or report a bug, please submit an issue here. Our Community Forum remains the best place to share general feedback with us.

  • 13:30
    with Beren Van Daele
    Beren Van Daele image

    The RiskStorming session format is a wonderful way of generating a visible Test Strategy as a team that focuses your strategy to answer the following questions:

    1. What is important to our product?

    2. What risks could impact these important aspects?

    3. What can we do, as a team, to make sure they don't happen?


    1. Understand the product under test well enough

    2. Take the 25 Quality Aspect TestsSphere cards and pick the 6 most important ones within 10 minutes

    3. Take sticky notes and add 2-3 risks per chosen TestSphere card within 10 minutes

    4. Take the other TestSphere cards and match risk-mitigating activities for each Risk within 10 minutes


    By the end of the activity, you’ll have a much better understanding of what quality actually means for your product or epic as well as what could potentially harm it. Not just you, but everyone on the team understands how they can prepare, defend and explore against risks which could severely impact the project. Quality becomes clear to everyone and everyone’s responsibility.


  • 14:00
    API Collaboration and Testing with Postman
    with Danny Dainton
    Danny Dainton image

    In this session, you will learn the different ways you could collaborate on an API in Postman with your team or users. We’ll walk you through a suite of features that improve team productivity, reduce onboarding time, and make your API more discoverable and easy to collaborate on. We’ll also cover API testing in Postman, demonstrating how you can build a robust test suite for your APIs. You'll author some post-response scripts, automate tests, and dynamically control workflows using the Collection Runner.


    • Login to your Postman account at go.postman.co

    • Go to the Test Bash workspace at go.pstmn.io/testbash-2024

    • Fork the “API Collaboration and Testing” collection to your Workspace

    • Follow the instructions in the Collection documentation and let us know if you have any questions.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Enhanced API collaboration capabilities for API producers and consumers.

    • Strategies to improve team productivity and reduce onboarding time.

    • Techniques for making APIs more discoverable and easier to work with.


    • Postman Learning Center helps you learn more about specific Postman features.

    • The Postman Community Forum is a great place to connect with Postman's community and seek help when you need it.

    • We have tons of video resources on YouTube.

    • Learn about our latest feature releases in this blog post by Postman’s CEO, Abhinav Asthana.

    • We’re always listening! If you want to request a new feature or report a bug, please submit an issue here. Our Community Forum remains the best place to share general feedback with us.

  • 16:05
    API Collaboration and Testing with Postman
    with Danny Dainton
    Danny Dainton image

    In this session, you will learn the different ways you could collaborate on an API in Postman with your team or users. We’ll walk you through a suite of features that improve team productivity, reduce onboarding time, and make your API more discoverable and easy to collaborate on. We’ll also cover API testing in Postman, demonstrating how you can build a robust test suite for your APIs. You'll author some post-response scripts, automate tests, and dynamically control workflows using the Collection Runner.


    • Login to your Postman account at go.postman.co

    • Go to the Test Bash workspace at go.pstmn.io/testbash-2024

    • Fork the “API Collaboration and Testing” collection to your Workspace

    • Follow the instructions in the Collection documentation and let us know if you have any questions.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Enhanced API collaboration capabilities for API producers and consumers.

    • Strategies to improve team productivity and reduce onboarding time.

    • Techniques for making APIs more discoverable and easier to work with.


    • Postman Learning Center helps you learn more about specific Postman features.

    • The Postman Community Forum is a great place to connect with Postman's community and seek help when you need it.

    • We have tons of video resources on YouTube.

    • Learn about our latest feature releases in this blog post by Postman’s CEO, Abhinav Asthana.

    • We’re always listening! If you want to request a new feature or report a bug, please submit an issue here. Our Community Forum remains the best place to share general feedback with us.

  • 16:05
    with Beren Van Daele
    Beren Van Daele image

    The RiskStorming session format is a wonderful way of generating a visible Test Strategy as a team that focuses your strategy to answer the following questions:

    1. What is important to our product?

    2. What risks could impact these important aspects?

    3. What can we do, as a team, to make sure they don't happen?


    1. Understand the product under test well enough

    2. Take the 25 Quality Aspect TestsSphere cards and pick the 6 most important ones within 10 minutes

    3. Take sticky notes and add 2-3 risks per chosen TestSphere card within 10 minutes

    4. Take the other TestSphere cards and match risk-mitigating activities for each Risk within 10 minutes


    By the end of the activity, you’ll have a much better understanding of what quality actually means for your product or epic as well as what could potentially harm it. Not just you, but everyone on the team understands how they can prepare, defend and explore against risks which could severely impact the project. Quality becomes clear to everyone and everyone’s responsibility.


  • 09:15
    Getting To Know, the Unknown, Unknowns of Quality Coaching
    with Emna Ayadi
    Emna Ayadi image

    Although I was extremely motivated while moving from a test lead to a quality coach role, I thought that my experience in testing and my skills as a facilitator and mentor were sufficient to embark on this role, but it was much more challenging than I had expected.

    As a quality coach for many teams, I find myself dealing with agile-related problems, testing issues, and DevOps obstacles that were not visible to me when I was a member of one team. I failed for example to clarify and challenge management expectations while improving test coverage for the products under test. I learned that understanding the desired level of detail and making it clear to the team I’m supporting is essential before starting coaching. Besides that, I found it hard to master my new role and was it hard to provide visible results in a short period of time.

    However, I learnt how to make team members aware of why we need these quality improvement actions and I helped them prioritize their backlog...

    In a few months, I learned a lot in my new role. In this session, I want to share what I am doing as a quality coach, the struggles that I faced and what I will do differently next time.I will inform you about my strategies to avoid those difficulties before they occur. Besides that, I still see new challenges in my role coming up such as dealing with remote teams that have different backgrounds, coaching in the age of AI, etc.. all kinds of topics that could be a trigger for more discussion while leaving the room.

    What you’ll learn
    • Understand what the quality coach is doing within teams and organisation
    • Uncover the unknowns unknowns of quality coaching and learn how to avoid possible difficulties in this role
    • Be prepared for future challenges in quality coaching
  • 10:05
    Fostering Professional Excellence: Self-awareness as a Moral Responsibility
    with Barry Ehigiator
    Barry Ehigiator image

    We all, often, think of ourselves as great people, unique, and maybe even the best in some sense (for better or worse). However, all these are usually until we need to interact with others.

    How often do we get into a new team, or a new organisation and the happiness we usually feel at the start of the adventure start to dwindle over time?
    There may be several reasons why this may happen. However, in a professional context, it can be due to the work culture, the leadership structure, the nature of work, and even our fellow colleagues. Yes, our colleagues, because it is always about them and not us, right?

    The behavioural and cognitive attributes of professionals are usually not easy to control when recruiting for a position, or even when you are joining a new team. Yet, in today's dynamic professional landscape, achieving excellence and finding joy in our work is not only dependent on technical skills or qualifications; rather it hinges ever more on a deeper understanding of oneself.

    In many years of working in various software development teams, I have experienced firsthand, the paramount importance of self-awareness in cultivating a productive and harmonious work environment. Even, some research has indicated that individuals with high levels of self-awareness are better equipped to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, make informed decisions, and adapt to challenging circumstances. In the context of the workplace, self-awareness enables employees to recognise their unique talents and limitations, leading to improved collaboration, communication, and conflict resolution. Moreover, self-aware professionals are more adept at managing stress, fostering resilience, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

    In light of the impact our actions and ways of being can have on us, and others, being self-aware becomes an important skill to cultivate as individuals. It is for this reason I say that "self-awareness is a moral responsibility at the workplace". Because, the more self-aware you are, the better colleague you will be to your team members.

    The difficult question usually is: how do we cultivate self-awareness?
    And, what can you do as someone in a position of leadership to foster a culture that values introspection and self-reflection?

    I believe these are difficult, but important questions that need to be further discussed in the software development space. So, in this talk, I wish to share stories from my work-life experience to buttress the transformative power of self-awareness in shaping individuals into skilled professionals, great collaborators, effective leaders, and contributors to a healthy work environment.

    What you’ll learn
    • Learn how to cultivate self-awareness
    • Respond to individuals that displays a lower level of self-awareness
    • Learn how to promote a culture that favours introspection and reflection
  • 11:20
    Creating Dashboards To Drive Team Conversations
    with Melissa Fisher
    Melissa Fisher image

    We often talk about metrics and wonderful dashboards to showcase to stakeholders what’s going on and provide updates on progress.

    Let me provide an alternative view on this. How about creating dashboards that help you as a team have conversations?

    I fundamentally believe that metrics are powerful when they can help guide us. Metrics are about data.

    • What is the data telling us?
    • Do we need to look at different data here?
    • Why are we even looking at this at all?

    Through this power lens, we can start to think about the questions. What do we need as a team? What do our stakeholders want?

    I have been experimenting with these thoughts. One example is tracking quality criteria (functional and non-functional bugs) to see where we are finding bugs, then digesting it to understand what we can learn from this.

    I want to share these examples, so you can go away and think about what your own examples could be. Helping you and your team have conversations.

    What you’ll learn
    • Understand how metrics and dashboards can help your team have conversations
    • Apply good question asking to uncover what the data is telling you
    • Review the data to see if you need a different data set
    • Evaluate the current use of metrics and dashboards to see if it adds value
  • 12:10
    Productising Yourself: Building Portfolio as a Tester
    with Rahul Parwal
    Rahul Parwal image

    We all have our own unique testing journeys. Some parts are similar, while others are totally different. Unfortunately, not everyone’s journey is visible to the outside world.

    In today's world, where everything is increasingly visible on digital platforms, a fundamental question emerges: "Is our testing journey visible too?" Surprisingly, only a negligible fraction of testers have an online portfolio today to showcase their skills, capabilities, and contributions. For both novice testers and seasoned professionals, this represents a significant opportunity to define their presence in the professional arena.

    During this conference session, I aim to share my personal insights, experiences, and anecdotes acquired through the process of constructing my testing portfolio. I will talk about the art of crafting a compelling testing portfolio that not only distinguishes you but also substantiates your proficiency and trustworthiness.

    What you’ll learn
    • Explore various dimensions and possibilities of testing portfolios
    • Leveraging a Portfolio as use that as a stepping stone for success in your career
    • Portfolios might be the new work resumes in the times to come. How to take the leap advantage from today
  • 14:00
    Debugging the Mind: Teaching Developers to Think Like Testers
    with Kat Obring
    Kat Obring image

    For years now, we've been hearing a lot about the tester's mindset. While it remains as important as ever, I believe it has evolved. It has shifted from being the role of one person in the team who explores the application to find edge cases, thinking like a slightly deranged user, to a role that involves teaching this mindset to others. This includes developers, to help them write better unit and integration tests; product owners, to consider the unintended consequences of insufficiently bold ideas; and delivery leads, who may be hesitant to allocate time for proper test setup in the CI/CD pipeline.

    I'll discuss how the tester role has evolved based on my experience and what I believe a modern tester needs to keep in mind to inspire their team to prioritise quality in all development activities. These days, critical thinking alone is no longer sufficient. Helping the team to move quickly while embedding quality into our processes has become more crucial than ever.

    What you’ll learn
    • Gain a comprehensive understanding of how the role of testers has evolved to focus on business improvement
    • Explore the importance of viewing quality through the lens of the customer, acknowledging that customer feedback is the ultimate measure of product quality
    • Get equipped with strategies to nurture and lead a mature quality culture within their teams
  • 14:50
    Embracing Empathy: A Framework for Modern Test Leadership
    with Eirini Kefala
    Eirini Kefala image

    In the complex landscape of software testing, a people-first test manager stands out as a catalyst for positive team dynamics. More than overseeing test procedures, this role is about recognizing and valuing the people within the testing team. An inclusive Test Manager strives to create an environment where team members feel seen, heard, and appreciated. By fostering an inclusive culture that values each team member's unique strengths, a supportive Test Manager not only ensures the effectiveness of testing processes but also contributes to the overall well-being and job satisfaction of the team.

    In this presentation, we're going to explore how Test Leaders are not just ensuring the functionality of software but are shaping the culture and success of the entire organization.

    What you’ll learn
    • What are the qualities of a motivational Test Lead / Test Manager
    • How a leader balances delivery and culture in the team and the organisation
    • Tools for mindful Leadership
  • 16:00
    How Do You Think Outside of the Black Box? A Celebration of the Creativity of Testing and Testers
    with Lina Deatherage
    Lina Deatherage image

    The newest development in technology always affects testing: first, it was the drive to “replace” testing with automation, and now with Artificial Intelligence. Why is the human contribution to testing consistently doubted and misunderstood? As the Ministry of Testing describes, testing is unpredictable and creative in nature. This makes it a uniquely human task, which can leverage but not be replaced by technology.

    This talk will celebrate the creative problem-solving that is software testing. I will reflect on my academic and professional experiences in fine art and software testing, highlighting how you can apply the guidance given to creatives to your software testing problems. We’ll discuss how to think out of the box through the “Candle Problem”, a classic creative problem-solving experiment designed to highlight the cognitive bias of functional fixedness.

    I will first highlight the principles shared by testing and traditionally artistic pursuits. This includes verifying that a piece (of software or art) offers its intended value to different stakeholders, and iteratively finding and solving its flaws. I will also discuss how testing and art both explore a product or idea in all its nooks and crannies and how this exploration samples from an infinite range of parameters and values. Art is never finished, only paused; like in testing, you must decide when a piece has achieved its goals.

    I will then offer 4 problem-solving practices taught to art students that I’ve found invaluable in my day-to-day work in QA:

    1. Turn it upside down. Does the problem appear differently from another perspective? What can you see that you couldn’t before?
    2. Look at the bigger picture. Work on a problem, then step back. If our goal is a positive user experience, we’ll need to take a step back from tests and sprints to look at the application’s broader quality goals.
    3. Practice telling a story. At art school, we would do workshops where we had 5 minutes to create an impromptu story about an item. The stories did not reflect our technical skills, but rather our ability to visualize and use imagination. My favourite part was seeing the different stories that each person would tell from the same item. This is why it’s important for testers to collaborate within and outside their teams when testing a final product.
    4. Structure up. If the foundation of your drawing isn’t structurally sound, the end result will be poor, no matter how many details you add. The same goes for software applications; it doesn’t matter what the latest and greatest feature is if the entire application doesn’t work well.
    What you’ll learn
    • An understanding and pride in the creative process that is software testing, equipping you to communicate the unique value of software testing to non-testing stakeholders
    • Four techniques taught to artists that you can apply to your software testing practices, with guidance on how to put them into practice
    • How both testing and art call us to understand problems from a range of perspectives and angles, emphasing collaboration, story-telling and “big picture” thinking alongside our technical skills
  • 16:50
    How Applying Critical Thinking Saved My Mental Health
    with Antonella Scaravilli
    Antonella Scaravilli image

    Testing can be a powerful tool to discover information to empower stakeholders to make better, more informed decisions. But what if we need information about our mental health and we’re the stakeholders of our bodies and minds?
    My mental health has been stable for so long that I started wondering if I still needed my medication and if it was safe to quit it. I thought that, by experimenting, I’d find answers to my questions. Can a healthy lifestyle and the tools learned through therapy be enough for me to live a happy life?

    Designing an experiment


    My approach was semi-scientific. I had a lot of questions (my hypothesis) and the purpose of my experiment was to gather information. I made assumptions regarding the outcome and I made a plan: I’ll start training to do the “Camino de Santiago” (a pilgrimage) and by working out, my body will get the happy hormones it needs to survive. Little did I know things weren’t going to go according to plan.

    The tools that helped me

    Some testers keep testing notes to not rely on our memory and for more effective debriefing, so I used my bullet journal to keep track of my mood, feelings, and my workout routine. I don’t know if I’d be here today if it wasn’t for my mood tracker, which became a solid piece of evidence.

    What you’ll learn
    • Learn how to test different real-life situations that might be affecting your mental health
    • Build a support network so they can help you in case you cannot be there for yourself
    • How to talk about mental health with your teammates to make life easier for you and them
    • Learn how to use a journal to learn more about yourself and your feelings
    • Use your role at work to support a colleague in need
  • 17:35
    99-Second Talks

    It's not a TestBash without 99 Second Talks!

    The 99 Second Talks is the attendee's stage, an opportunity for you to come on stage and talk for, that's right, 99 seconds.

    You can talk about anything, a testing topic you want to share, a personal experience, or an idea sparked by all the amazing talks, workshops, activities and conversations you've had for the past two days... the stage is yours, for 99 seconds!

    This is also a great opportunity for you to kick-start your public speaking experience and/or give it a boost!

    Our host will introduce you on stage and start the clock. As soon as the time's up, a noise will be heard and that's it: time's up!

    What you’ll learn
    • Contribute with your knowledge
    • Share your testing stories
    • Practise Public Speaking
    • Learn directly from your peers
  • 09:15
    Navigating the Tool Acquisition Adventure
    with Jenna Charlton
    Jenna Charlton image

    Testers often find it challenging to determine if a tool is reputable and communicate with vendors and open-source creators in a way all parties can understand. Even more challenging still is identifying the difference between reality and magical thinking when it comes to what the tool can provide and what can be delivered. Often testers will follow a defined process and complete a proof of concept to help guide their decision making.

    But deciding which tools to complete a proof of concept with is just the first step. During the proof of concept documenting your thoughts and leveraging an evaluation matrix is crucial to making that final critical decision of what tool to select. And after selection, the hardest task is left to come, developing your internal champions, and influencing the use of the tool throughout your organization.

    Join me as we develop artefacts to take back to your team to put to use on your next tool acquisition. You'll gain valuable insights, best practices, and create your own customized acquisition, evaluation, and integration documentation so your next tool decision will be your best tool decision!

    What you’ll learn
    • Identify use cases and acceptable trade-offs for your team
    • Understand evaluation and analysis for decision making
    • Develop artefacts and strategies for decision making
  • 11:20
    Let’s Make Cross-Functional Requirements Inclusive!
    with Parveen Khan
    Parveen Khan image

    Cross-functional requirements (CFRs), most commonly referred to as Non-functional Requirements (NFRs), form an integral part of software quality. And testing for them and making them as part of the team's process is an absolute necessity for any team that promises to deliver high-quality software to their users. Often, the emphasis that is placed on the functional requirements is not equally placed on the cross-functional requirements in software delivery teams and by the business stakeholders. There could be multiple reasons for teams to make this decision but one of the reasons I have seen working on different teams is the lack of awareness on how to approach CFRs testing as they come across as really vague, like say testability or maintainability, for example.

    In this workshop, I would like to elaborate on why it is essential to consider testing for cross-functional requirements and introduce an approach to continuous testing of all cross-functional requirements and make it a part of the process. I will cover how to uncover different CFRs, including those really vague ones, and therefore aid in continuous testing and building quality into the software.

    This workshop provides the tools and techniques to introduce and implement CFRs within your teams or organizations. I will share how to create your own CFR template and I will share the knowledge you need to facilitate your own sessions with your teams

    What you’ll learn
    • Discover a range of CFR’s and categorize those into groups
    • Planning and expanding the CFR’s to think of different ways to question the implementation
    • Create your own template
  • 14:00
    Your Name Here: Starting Your Public Speaking Journey
    with Vernon Richards and Karen Tests Stuff
    Vernon Richards image
    Karen Tests Stuff image

    Giving a presentation at a conference is an exciting journey that begins with an idea. This idea shapes an abstract containing teachable messages. Final drafts get sent to conferences near and far - and each stage includes multiple cycles of gathering feedback from others. If you’ve been inspired with an idea for a conference talk, but you’re not sure where to begin - this workshop is for you.

    In this introductory session, attendees will simulate the process of creating and submitting an abstract paper to appropriate organizations. In groups, the attendees will practice giving and utilizing feedback to improve those papers. The presenters will share insight from two perspectives. One will present as a new speaker navigating the challenges of getting started in public speaking. The other presenter will share more advanced strategies to take your creation to the next level, and tips for avoiding common pitfalls from their wealth of personal experience.

    Activities will include:

    • Brainstorm topics to write about, then form one idea into a short "elevator pitch" that solves a problem for someone.
    • The presenters will share steps to turn that elevator pitch into a written abstract paper.
    • The attendees will work in groups to review each others' abstract papers and provide that feedback to each other in a constructive way.
    • Workshop topics will include structures for giving and using feedback gathered.


    What you’ll learn
    • Focus a concept into actionable teaching material, within the scope of an abstract paper
    • Work together with your peers to gather feedback for improvement along the way
    • Discuss how to submit your content to the appropriate organisations
  • 10:50
    API Collaboration and Testing with Postman
    with Danny Dainton
    Danny Dainton image

    In this session, you will learn the different ways you could collaborate on an API in Postman with your team or users. We’ll walk you through a suite of features that improve team productivity, reduce onboarding time, and make your API more discoverable and easy to collaborate on. We’ll also cover API testing in Postman, demonstrating how you can build a robust test suite for your APIs. You'll author some post-response scripts, automate tests, and dynamically control workflows using the Collection Runner.


    • Login to your Postman account at go.postman.co

    • Go to the Test Bash workspace at go.pstmn.io/testbash-2024

    • Fork the “API Collaboration and Testing” collection to your Workspace

    • Follow the instructions in the Collection documentation and let us know if you have any questions.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Enhanced API collaboration capabilities for API producers and consumers.

    • Strategies to improve team productivity and reduce onboarding time.

    • Techniques for making APIs more discoverable and easier to work with.


    • Postman Learning Center helps you learn more about specific Postman features.

    • The Postman Community Forum is a great place to connect with Postman's community and seek help when you need it.

    • We have tons of video resources on YouTube.

    • Learn about our latest feature releases in this blog post by Postman’s CEO, Abhinav Asthana.

    • We’re always listening! If you want to request a new feature or report a bug, please submit an issue here. Our Community Forum remains the best place to share general feedback with us.

  • 13:00
    API Collaboration and Testing with Postman
    with Danny Dainton
    Danny Dainton image

    In this session, you will learn the different ways you could collaborate on an API in Postman with your team or users. We’ll walk you through a suite of features that improve team productivity, reduce onboarding time, and make your API more discoverable and easy to collaborate on. We’ll also cover API testing in Postman, demonstrating how you can build a robust test suite for your APIs. You'll author some post-response scripts, automate tests, and dynamically control workflows using the Collection Runner.


    • Login to your Postman account at go.postman.co

    • Go to the Test Bash workspace at go.pstmn.io/testbash-2024

    • Fork the “API Collaboration and Testing” collection to your Workspace

    • Follow the instructions in the Collection documentation and let us know if you have any questions.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Enhanced API collaboration capabilities for API producers and consumers.

    • Strategies to improve team productivity and reduce onboarding time.

    • Techniques for making APIs more discoverable and easier to work with.


    • Postman Learning Center helps you learn more about specific Postman features.

    • The Postman Community Forum is a great place to connect with Postman's community and seek help when you need it.

    • We have tons of video resources on YouTube.

    • Learn about our latest feature releases in this blog post by Postman’s CEO, Abhinav Asthana.

    • We’re always listening! If you want to request a new feature or report a bug, please submit an issue here. Our Community Forum remains the best place to share general feedback with us.

  • 15:30
    API Collaboration and Testing with Postman
    with Danny Dainton
    Danny Dainton image

    In this session, you will learn the different ways you could collaborate on an API in Postman with your team or users. We’ll walk you through a suite of features that improve team productivity, reduce onboarding time, and make your API more discoverable and easy to collaborate on. We’ll also cover API testing in Postman, demonstrating how you can build a robust test suite for your APIs. You'll author some post-response scripts, automate tests, and dynamically control workflows using the Collection Runner.


    • Login to your Postman account at go.postman.co

    • Go to the Test Bash workspace at go.pstmn.io/testbash-2024

    • Fork the “API Collaboration and Testing” collection to your Workspace

    • Follow the instructions in the Collection documentation and let us know if you have any questions.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Enhanced API collaboration capabilities for API producers and consumers.

    • Strategies to improve team productivity and reduce onboarding time.

    • Techniques for making APIs more discoverable and easier to work with.


    • Postman Learning Center helps you learn more about specific Postman features.

    • The Postman Community Forum is a great place to connect with Postman's community and seek help when you need it.

    • We have tons of video resources on YouTube.

    • Learn about our latest feature releases in this blog post by Postman’s CEO, Abhinav Asthana.

    • We’re always listening! If you want to request a new feature or report a bug, please submit an issue here. Our Community Forum remains the best place to share general feedback with us.

Leigh Rathbone's profile

Leigh Rathbone

Head of Quality Engineering
I’ve been in the craft of testing for 24 years, mostly in leadership roles, and feel as passionate about testing now, as I did in my first year. I’ve had many roles, from testing the world’s first touchscreen smartphone, to heading up Sony PlayStation European Test Operations, to Head of test for a clinical software firm. I’ve currently made the jump across to Engineering Manager and a company called cinch I’m a huge advocate of self-development, and sharing your learnings from that self-development. I've spoken at over 50 conferences and meetups, ran meetups, and compered at Testbash, Swanseacon, and Manchester tech festival
Postman's profile


At Postman, we create with the same curiosity that we see in our users. We value transparency and honest communication about not only successes, but mistakes. In our work, we focus on specific goals that add up to a larger vision. Our inclusive work culture ensures that everyone is valued equally as important pieces of our final product. We are dedicated to delivering the best products we can.
Aj Wilson's profile

Aj Wilson

Lead Insights and Trend Analyst
Dyslexic, Neurospicy, Quality Engineering Leader with over 20 years of experience in Software Testing and Quality. Currently serving as the Lead Insights and Trends Analyst at the Ministry of Testing in the UK. I am known for driving a culture of quality, craftsmanship, and continuous improvement. With a background that spans multiple industries and companies such as SSE, Nintendo, ASOS, UN and Sainsbury’s. I am a passionate advocate for women, femmes and them’s safety, equality for all and communities of practice. I cherish user experience (UX) and accessibility work, supporting the A11y Google beta testing group. I am actively involved with at UK and global initiatives such as a Technical Literacy for non western countries, UN Women, STEM, Princes Trust, Ada.org, Women in tech, carious charities and some cracking Google Tech Communities. I have ghost written for over 12 big publications, lots of small ones, including cookbooks! I hold certifications in GDPR, Psychology, Sociology, HCI, User Psychology amongst others. I've even worked in a fish market!
Sauce Labs's profile

Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs is the company enterprises trust to deliver digital confidence. More than 3 billion tests have been run on the Sauce Labs Continuous Testing Cloud, the most comprehensive and trusted testing platform in the world. Sauce Labs delivers a 360-degree view of a customer’s application experience, helping businesses improve the quality of their user experience by ensuring that web and mobile applications look, function, and perform exactly as they should on every browser, OS, and device, every single time. Sauce Labs enables organizations to increase revenue and grow their digital business by creating new routes to market, protecting their brand from the risks of a poor user experience, and delivering better products to market, faster.
Veerle Verhagen's profile

Veerle Verhagen

Scrum Master
Former software tester, current scrum master, still passionate about all things quality!
Xray's profile


Xray is the #1 Manual & Automated Test Management App for Quality Assurance in Jira. Developed by Xpand IT, a Platinum Atlassian Solution Partner, it’s a full-featured tool that lives inside and seamlessly integrates with Jira. It aims to help companies improve the quality of their products through effective and efficient testing. They can plan, execute and track their testing with full requirements traceability.

Xray supports both manual and automated tests, including BDD using Cucumber besides JUnit, NUnit, Robot and others. It covers the entire testing life cycle: test planning, test specification, test organization in a flat or hierarchical way, test execution and test reporting. It does this by using special Jira issue types, so you can use all Jira benefits that you are used besides giving the flexibility to organize them in the same project or across multiple projects, for clear separation of concerns.

With Xray, managers can enhance Agile boards by tracking requirement status and test execution progress in real-time. It can also generate advanced reporting that can be exported to docx, xlsx or pdf using Xporter.
Integration with your favourite Continuous Integration tool, including Bamboo and Jenkins, is straightforward using our free add-ons or even through our built-in REST API.
With over 4000 customers in 75 countries, Xray is the fastest-growing app for Jira.
Discover the future of testing with Jira today!
Gwen Diagram's profile

Gwen Diagram

Head of Engineering

Gwen Diagram is a technology professional from Leeds who specialises in testing.  She is an avid automation evangelist with a focus on testing complemented by repeatable build processes with monitoring. She has had varied roles throughout her career including Scrum Master at a Start Up, Engineering Manager at a bank and DevOps kid at a large Financial Services organisation. She is currently the Head of Engineering at Glean in Leeds.

As a strong believer in making the tech industry as open and punk as possible, she co-organises a twice yearly free day long testing conference called the Leeds Testing Atelier.  She speaks regularly at local meet-up groups, Agile Yorkshire and Leeds DevOps, duels with creative types at events like the Tech Off, speaks internationally at conferences such as Nordic Testing Days in Tallinn and was the closing keynote at Agile on the Beach in Falmouth, UK in 2018.

Outside of work, you will usually find her hanging around a Natural History Museum somewhere in the world marvelling at how incredibly excellent dinosaurs are, feeding pigeons or ducks or obsessing over transport.

Keysight Technologies's profile

Keysight Technologies

Keysight is a leader in test automation, where our AI-driven, digital twin-based solutions help innovators push the boundaries of test case design, scheduling, and execution. Test early, test often, and take on complex and distributed deployments with confidence. Innovators start here.  
Ben Dowen's profile

Ben Dowen

Senior Quality Engineer
Working professionally in Software Testing for over 11 years I've had the pleasure of working on a range of different software. From enterprise infrastructure and virtualization, web and mobile apps, and more than one back-end service. I like to think I understand how software is built and where it lives, and this helps give me confidence when exploring and identifying risks. I believe delivering software is a team sport, that involves strong collaboration between different people who bring their own skills and experience. It's this belief that leads me to focus on collaborative testing techniques, such as pairing and ensemble exploration.
Nicola Lindgren's profile

Nicola Lindgren

Quality Engineering Manager
I'm Nicola , a Quality Engineering Manager based in Malmö, Sweden. I'm constantly looking for ways to learn, grow and adapt. In the past, I have worked on projects in various industries including Education, Retail and e-Commerce.I was the founder of the Stockholm Software Testing Talks meet-up and a co-founder of the WeTest Auckland testing meet-up. I was also a frequent co-instructor for the BBST Foundations course. If you want to read my thoughts on software testing, feel free to check out my blog: https://nicolalindgren.com
Gabbi Trotter's profile

Gabbi Trotter

Software Testing Recruiter
I am a Software Testing Recruiter with 8.5 years of experience recruiting Testers. I work with global brands, small independent Software Houses and everything in between! I have involved myself in the Test Community from day one and made some great friends!
Nikoleta Koumpouzi's profile

Nikoleta Koumpouzi

QA Engineer
I'm Nikoleta, Quality Assurance Test Engineer, with a passion for making sure software “behaves itself”.
Heather C's profile

Heather C

Quality Assurance Lead
I’m Heather, a dedicated test lead with a passion for quality. Love teaching others about testing.
Kirsten Reher's profile

Kirsten Reher

Senior Product Engineer
Quality Engineer with a passion for making teams awesome 😎
Al Goodall's profile

Al Goodall

Quality Manager
I have been working in the software quality space for over 20 years at Workforce Software starting as a software tester and now heading up the quality discipline for a domain. In my spare time I like to run and I have a collection of first editions by Craig Thomas, Tom Clancy, and John le Carré.
Scout Burghardt's profile

Scout Burghardt

QA Lead
I work as QA Lead at Cogapp, a small web agency making websites for museums, archives, and collections. As such, I'm responsible for our overall testing strategy as well as the actual test execution on our client projects. I also love getting my hands dirty in writing actual tests in Cypress and actually all sorts of code. I'm also an organiser at codebar Brighton where we run programming workshops for underrepresented groups in tech.
Tina Gohil's profile

Tina Gohil

Senior QA Consultant
QA consultant based in London. Specialising in .NET test automation. Always interested in investigating new tools and testing ideas.
Emily O'Connor 's profile

Emily O'Connor

Principal Test Engineer, Consultancy
My developers say I have a sixth sense for bugs. My friends say I love a loop hole. I really enjoy the variety of testing and understanding a projects context. I write code and manage amazing humans.
Louise Gibbs's profile

Louise Gibbs

Senior Automation Tester
Louise is a Senior Automation Tester at PebblePad. Her main job is to review and maintain the automated tests that are run overnight, and investigate the causes of any failures. She has also worked for companies in the e-commerce, scientific research and automotive industries, and runs a personal blog at louisegibbstest.wordpress.com, where she talks about her experiences as a software tester. She enjoys improving her testing skills and her main method for achieving this is by speaking to other Testers and discussing ideas.
Christopher Chant's profile

Christopher Chant

Business Growth & Agility Guide
Christopher Chant is a determined and passionate test professional with experience across multiple domains. He has learned to embrace all parts of the development lifecycle as learning opportunities: working in business analysis, development, testing and coaching roles in an attempt to help teams grow and deliver. These days Christopher is looking at ways that the Satir Model and Cynefin can be used to aid teams and organisations make safe changes. When not testing, Christopher spends his time running (not often enough), bouldering, travelling all over the country to watch Nottingham Forest F.C. lose (occasionally they win), jealously looking at other people's dogs and playing board games.
Teresa Reynolds's profile

Teresa Reynolds

Staff Test Engineer
Senior Test Engineer and organiser of the Cambridge MoT Meetup. I have been in testing for over 20 years, worked in start ups through to big corporations. Naturally curious and constantly inquisitive. Areas I specialise in are Internalization / localization and subjective testing.
Gianni Au's profile

Gianni Au

Senior SDET
I've been a tester for over 10 years. I started out as a manual tester and have gradually specialised in accessibility, performance, security and automation testing. I've been working at Holland and Barrett as a Senior SDET for almost two years and learning a lot.
Nurseda Balcioglu's profile

Nurseda Balcioglu

Quality Engineer
As a Quality Engineer/Test Automation Enchanter, I bewitch code across various industries with my multilingual, framework-mastering, bug-obliterating wizardry! For the past decade, I've brought overflowing cauldrons of technical expertise (and just a sprinkle of fun) to every magical QA quest. Abracadabra, let me work my automation spells on your project!
Emna Ayadi's profile

Emna Ayadi

Quality Coach
Emna is a passionate tester from Tunisia who began her IT career in 2015. She has had the opportunity to work on multinational projects, combining testing with quality coaching roles. Currently, she works at Sogeti France. Emna is also an international speaker and workshop facilitator, having presented at several testing and agile conferences. Explore Emna's adventures further by following her hashtag #ExploreWithEmna on LinkedIn.
Melissa Fisher's profile

Melissa Fisher

Quality Engineering Manager
Melissa enjoys talking about all things software testing! She is a blog writer, author of a book called Testing Stories and an International Speaker. In her spare time she is working on creating a nature garden.
Jarsto van Santen's profile

Jarsto van Santen

Specialist Test Engineer

Jarsto has been playing with code for a quarter of a century now, having started at 11 years old. Despite studying law he eventually saw sense and turned his hobby into a career. He now works as a Specialist Test Engineer at DUO (part of the Netherlands' ministry of Education).

At work he is active in the Automation Serviceteam - developing internal tools, helping and teaching colleagues, and looking critically at what should and should not be automated - as well as taking on testing-related matters that affect the entire organization, coordinating with specialists from other DevOps disciplines, and advising management as needed.

In his free time Jarsto is mildly obsessed with world history, science fiction and fantasy, and all sorts of technology he doesn't get to play around with at work (yet). Somehow he never has the time to watch as quite many movies/series, read quite as many books, or play quite as many games as he thinks he should.

Dr. Niels Heller's profile

Dr. Niels Heller

Machine Learning and Data Engineer
Lina Deatherage's profile

Lina Deatherage

Technical Analyst
Hi there! My name is Lina, and I am passionate about the intersection of creativity and technology 🚀 I work as a Technical Analyst alongisde testing teams around the world, helping them to innovate their processes and think of testing in new ways.
Barry Ehigiator's profile

Barry Ehigiator

Software Test Engineer
Barry Ehigiator has an extensive experience in software testing and test leading, having worked in various software development teams across a variety of industries. He is currently a Senior Test Engineer at the BBC. His passion is in helping teams build quality products and develop a quality culture based on responsibility, collaboration, and the implementation of a consumer-centric, and risk-based approach to development and testing. Barry is an avid learner who enjoys reading, engaging conversations, listening to podcasts, attending workshops and conferences to stay informed on latest trends. He also enjoys football, video games and exercising.
Bill Matthews's profile

Bill Matthews

Bill Matthews has been a freelance test consultant for over 20 years working mainly on complex integration and migration as a Test Architect and as a Technical Lead. He champions the use of modern and effective approaches to development and testing.

He is a regular contributor to the testing community at both local and international levels through conference speaking, coaching/mentoring and delivering workshops and training focusing on automation, performance, reliability, security testing and more recently artificial intelligence.

Ashutosh Mishra's profile

Ashutosh Mishra

I am a tester originally from India who moved to Germany. Testing gives me the scope to play Sherlock with the software – observing and finding anomalies in the most unexpected of places, while I get to blend my childhood fascination with Technology and detectives.Throughout the span of my career of 10 years as a tester in Software industry, I have worked in multinational companies, as well as in startups.
Christine Pinto's profile

Christine Pinto

Automation Engineer
I've spent the last decade deeply involved in creating and deploying systems for a variety of organizations, from nimble startups to large-scale public and private sector companies. My career has spanned roles as diverse as application support specialist, developer, systems engineer, and team lead, but it's in the realm of Automation Engineering where I've truly thrived. With over ten years dedicated to this specialty, I've also become an active voice in the QA community, sharing knowledge through articles and talks worldwide. Now, I'm embracing a new challenge: transitioning into AI. This move is a natural progression, blending my automation expertise with the exciting possibilities AI offers, and I'm eager to explore how this combination can further enrich our industry.
Bastian Knerr's profile

Bastian Knerr

Teamlead Testing
From Accounting and Controlling to Software Testing. I love reading and jogging. Love philosophy. Occasional rallye co-driver. Everywhere I go, music needs to be with me.
Rahul Parwal's profile

Rahul Parwal

Rahul Parwal is a Software Tester & Generalist. Presently, He is a Senior Software Engineer with ifm engineering in India. Reading, learning, and practicing the craft of software testing is something he enjoys doing. He also shares his knowledge and experience with testers via LinkedIn, Twitter, Blog, Youtube, and meetups. His recent accolades include the ‘Jerry Weinberg Testing Excellence Award‘ from the “Tea-time with Testers” and the 'Super Voice Award' by Synapse QA. Want to know more, Check out: https://testingtitbits.com/
Titus Fortner's profile

Titus Fortner

Sr Developer Advocate
I'm an open source software developer and a core contributor to automated testing projects including Selenium and Watir. I implemented automated testing solutions at several companies before joining Sauce Labs as a Solutions Architect, where I worked extensively with clients to improve their testing code and strategies. Currently a Senior Developer Advocate at Sauce Labs, I'm passionate about building communities and improving the software industry’s understanding of how to successfully conduct testing at scale and provide digital confidence.
Eirini Kefala's profile

Eirini Kefala

Test Manager
Hey there, I'm a Test Manager with some serious hands-on skills in web and mobile apps, and I know my way around both back-end and front-end testing. I am an active contributor to Greek Software Testing Board and a volunteer to MoT #Athens community. I've got the ISTQB® CTAL-TTA level certification and I'm even a licensed ISTQB instructor for CTFL – teaching the testing game to the next gen! Pretty cool, right? You know what else is cool? My team spirit and enthusiasm for my job. I'm all about getting everyone on board with quality.
Kat Obring's profile

Kat Obring

Founder, Director
Kat Obring has over 15 years of experience helping startups and larger organisations nail their test strategy to expedite software delivery without compromising quality. She is an expert in efficient code delivery and seamless integration of testing capabilities. She has a proven track record of shortening delivery cycles using agile and DevOps methodologies. She is also a skilled framework developer, having created test frameworks for mobile banking applications using libraries like Pytest and Locust. Kat's approach extends beyond code, as she transforms teams and organisations, removing barriers between testers and developers. She helps teams integrate quality into every step of the SDLC to achieve quality delivered at speed.
Antonella Scaravilli's profile

Antonella Scaravilli

Communication advocate. I've been working at Wallapop for almost three years. My job consists of helping teams be more autonomous and own our product's quality. Sometimes I test, sometimes I teach others how to test. Sometimes I test myself as well.
Jenna Charlton's profile

Jenna Charlton

Developer Advocate at Qase
Jenna is a QA and Developer Advocate with over a decade of experience. They’ve spoken at a number of dev and test conferences and is passionate about risk-based testing, building community within agile teams, developing the next generation of testers, and DEI. When not testing, Jenna loves to go to punk rock shows and live pro wrestling events with their husband Bob, traveling, and cats. Their favorite of which are the 2 that share their home, Maka and Excalipurr.
Michal Pilarski's profile

Michal Pilarski

Data Architect, ETL Tester, GIS Engineer
During his career, Michal has been always connected with geospatial data and GIS geoprocessing. He likes to find and overcome challenges in Testing Big Data with geometry attributes. He has experience in preparing the testing strategies for ETL systems that extract, transform and load massive geospatial data. His technology stack is related to Python, Pytest, GeoPandas, ArcGIS, QGIS, FME, Robot Framework. Additionally Michal teaches young students programming - Python in Minecraft and Scratch for Kids.
Katy Bradshaw's profile

Katy Bradshaw

Test & Assurance Capability Lead
Studied Computer Science at University - first job out of university was on a technical graduate scheme, focusing on architecture, solution analysis, testing and development. I now work for a tech consultancy based in Manchester but support on projects across the UK. My background is java/javascript/typescript. Have worked in agile teams for 10 years, working up from manual testing to automation and now focused on architecture, best practices and team development.
Ryan Lobo's profile

Ryan Lobo

Network & Security Specialist
I work on everything that involves Network or Security- from routing, switching and metro WAN to firewalls, proxy and CSPM!
Vernon Richards's profile

Vernon Richards

Quality Coach / Senior Quality Engineer

I’m a Quality Coach & Tester that helps orgs, teams & individuals understand the relationship between quality & testing to help them build better products & deliver more effective services.

I’ve been testing since 2002 starting with video games on PS2, Xbox & PC. It may not sound like a real job but it’s the truth!

By day I’m a Senior Quality Engineer at a health tech night I run Abode of Quality. Here is one of my core values:

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude (& how you’re thinking) about the problem.” - Captain Jack Sparrow (the part in brackets was my addition though!)

I believe that quality & testing problems are actually people problems in disguise! Often the cause of these problems is misaligned goals, different perspectives, low empathy for colleagues, and the list goes on.

Using my coaching skills in the quality & testing space, I believe the most effective way to serve the business, is to help teams & individuals gain new perspectives about themselves & their teammates.

Karen Tests Stuff's profile

Karen Tests Stuff

Content Creator
Karen, of Karen Tests Stuff - a curious software tester who loves the testing community with her whole heart. She shares what she's learning with others through her YouTube channel and social media, @KarenTestsStuff. Karen enjoys meeting new and returning friends at conferences, and looks forward to being involved with more communities worldwide.
Mateusz Adamczak's profile

Mateusz Adamczak

Software Engineer
With around 9 years of experience in Aviation Software, Mateusz covered most of the available functions – tester, developer, dev lead, devops engineer, and also a scrum master for a little while. This gives him an excellent overview of the software production process. Currently most his attention is directed towards GIS Software and geospatial data handling.
Bill Matthews's profile

Bill Matthews

Bill Matthews has been a freelance test consultant for over 20 years working mainly on complex integration and migration as a Test Architect and as a Technical Lead. He champions the use of modern and effective approaches to development and testing.

He is a regular contributor to the testing community at both local and international levels through conference speaking, coaching/mentoring and delivering workshops and training focusing on automation, performance, reliability, security testing and more recently artificial intelligence.

Scott Hackeson's profile

Scott Hackeson

Test Architect & Principal Engineer
Started my IT journey working in a call centre supporting the HMRC with technical issues and then moved into Software Testing with an IT consultancy and haven't looked back since. I have spent most of my career working for IT consultancies which has allowed me to have a wide knowledge of all aspects of Software Delivery and allowed me to specialise my skills in Test Architecture. I have a wide range of skills from writing Test Frameworks in C#, Java, JavaScript/TypeScript and Python, to also building out Platform type things in Azure and AWS. My current role is identifying the best way clients can implement robust testing in their entire route to live including all aspects of testing including Functional and Non-Functional (Accessibility/Compatibility/Performance/Security and others).
Jack Harris's profile

Jack Harris

Customer Engineer
Jack is currently a Customer Engineer at Google where he helps the world's largest banks to build modern, secure, planet-scale solutions by building on the best that Google Cloud and all of Alphabet has to offer. Prior to Google, Jack was a hands-on engineer working across back-end services and infrastructure and subsequently led engineering teams to building out multiple cloud enablement platforms. Most recently Jack has been working with conversational AI and experimenting with quantum algorithms, all the while maintaining a keen interest in the ever-present challenges of security.
Parveen Khan's profile

Parveen Khan

Senior QA Consultant @ Thoughtworks
Parveen is a senior quality analyst consultant at Thoughtworks. Being a quality advocate she believes delivering high-quality products is everyone's responsibility. She loves collaborating with teams and optimizing processes, tools and methodologies to enable the creation of high-quality products. She is also an international speaker sharing her stories and experiences in testing to inspire other people around the globe. In her spare time, she plays the role of wonder woman for her two lovely kids

Can I attend for one day only?

Yes! We've recently introduced daily tickets for those who can't attend both days. Just head over to the ticketing page and select the day you prefer.

I have an Unlimited Membership, how can I get my ticket?

Get in touch with one of our team members using the chatbot or emailing testbash@ministryoftesting.com and we will send you a ticket link.

Are there any discounts?

Yes! There are several ways you can get discounts:

  • All Professional Members enjoy an incredible 50% DISCOUNT on tickets. To access your discount, simply log in with your Professional account, click the green 'Buy Ticket' button, and the discounted prices will be displayed. Please note that tickets purchased with the Professional 50% discount are exclusively for use by the Professional Members and are non-transferable. Tickets purchased using a Professional Discount will only be valid if the attendee has a valid Professional Account at the time of the conference.
  • Group discounts available for non-Professional Teams:
    • 5 to 10 tickets: 5% Discount
    • 10 to 15 tickets: 10% Discount
    • 15+ tickets: 20% Discount

Will my Call for Contribution be reviewed by the community?

The MoT Team and a few selected TestBash Ambassadors have reviewed all submissions.

Where in Brighton will TestBash take place?

We will be returning to the stunning and newly renovated Brighton Dome.

Where can I stay overnight?

We have secured fixed rates at a few hotels in Brighton you can call to book your overnight accommodation:

Queens Hotel Brighton - £145 (11th & 12th) & £175 (13th)  B&B

  • Distance: 0.4 miles / 9 minutes walking
  • Available until the 13th of August 2024
  • 10 rooms available
  • Instructions: Full payment, non-refundable within 7 days of booking. To book call reservations: +44 1273 321 222 and quote: Ministry of Testing
    Bookings can only be made Tuesday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (UK Time)

Staybridge Suites - £180 B&B

  • Distance: 0.5 miles / 11 minutes walking
  • Available until the 28th of August 2024
  • 30 rooms available
  • Instructions: Full payment at the time of booking. To book call reservations: +44 1273 468 805 option 1 and quote: MOT

Old Ship Hotel - £180 B&B

  • Distance: 0.4 miles / 9 minutes walking
  • Available until the 11th of June 2024
  • 30 rooms available
  • Instructions: Full payment at the time of booking, non-refundable. To book call reservations: +44 1273 329 001 and quote: MINI110924

Holiday Inn Brighton Seafront - £189.00 B&B

  • Distance: 0.9 miles / 20 minutes walking
  • Available until the 31st of July 2024
  • 20 rooms available
  • Instructions: Visit their website, enter dates, search and finally the Group Code BE1 (at the top of the search options). Alternatively, contact the central reservations team at +44 333 320 9324 (option 1) and quote the group code BE1.

Mercure Brighton Seafront - £189.00 B&B

  • Distance: 1 mile / 23 minutes walking
  • Available until the 13th of August 2024
  • 10 rooms available
  • Instructions: Full payment at the time of booking. To book call reservations: +44 1273 351 012 (option 1) and quote: Ministry of Testing - TestBash

Leonardo Brighton Station - £230 B&B

  • Distance: 0.7 miles / 15 minutes walking
  • Available until the 13th of August 2024
  • 30 rooms available
  • Instructions: Visit their website, input ‘Leonardo Brighton Station’ & the date range, and add the promotion code: LHMINI110924

These were the only local hotels that agreed to give us a fixed rate, but there are also other hotels in the area you can consider having a look at, such as:

Is the venue fully accessible?

The Brighton Dome's venues are fully accessible: the building is equipped with lifts to every floor and wide doorways, allowing for easy entry and exit. Additionally, the conference rooms are designed to provide ample space for manoeuvring, with seating areas that are adjustable and easily customizable.

We take pride in making sure that all of our attendees can enjoy the conference in comfort, regardless of any accessibility requirements.

How are the Contributors chosen?

The MoT Team together with selected TestBash Ambassadors have reviewed all submissions.

Buy ticket
  • Address:
    Brighton Dome
    Church Street, Brighton, BN1 1UE

Event Sponsors

Sauce Labs logo
Xray logo
Keysight logo
Postman logo
Capital One logo