Understanding Your Domain: Research for Testing - Melissa Eaden

13th January 2023
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Melissa Eaden's profile
Melissa Eaden

Senior Technologist

Understanding Your Domain: Research for Testing - Melissa Eaden image
Talk Description

This session would break down some techniques on how to approach researching for a given domain(s) which involve the software under test.

This session would seek to give the attendee a way to develop simple personas, understand market pressures, and research competitors.

This could be considered a mini-workshop or interactive talk. The goal would be to get the audience to do quick research katas which might be shared later with their development groups.

Katas could be, but aren't limited to:

  • Domain identification
  • User persona/Typical User identification
  • Competitive Analysis:  Looking for domain competitors or near domain competitors. Also includes future feature identification.
  • General Domain research: What information is out there about your company. What information is out there about your competitors. How do I find it.
  • Internal research techniques: Who can I talk to about the product outside of development. What information is available internally. What sales pitches, informational materials, or help guides tell you or your users. Are they correct?

The goal would be to tie these activities together to testing. As an informed tester is a better tester. Likewise, an informed development group is a better development group.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
Melissa Eaden's profile'

Melissa Eaden

Senior Technologist

Melissa Eaden has worked for more than a decade with tech companies such as Security Benefit, HomeAway, ThoughtWorks, and now Unity Technologies. Melissa’s previous career in mass media continues to lend itself to her current career endeavors. She can be found on Twitter @melthetechie
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