A Code Challenge of Confidence - Elisabeth Hocke

13th January 2023
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Lisi Hocke

Senior Expert Quality Engineer

A Code Challenge of Confidence - Elisabeth Hocke image
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Talk Description

“This is scaring me as hell - and that’s exactly why I need to do it!” Can you relate to that? This year, my personal challenge was to become code-confident. As a tester, I felt the need to up my game here. My hypothesis: “I believe that doing many small hands-on coding exercises and challenges, on my own as well as together with other interested people, will result in increased confidence in my programming skills. I’ll know I have succeeded when I have developed a small product from scratch.”

What I did was to finally use my GitHub account and create my very first public repository. I called for collaboration and found people willing to review my code and to pair up with me on further challenges. Rinse and repeat! The question to be answered: was jumping headfirst a viable way to improve my coding skills?

Join me on this walk through my code - along with the stories of my struggles, the solutions found, and the lessons learned.



  • Understand why honing our skills is essential for us as testers
  • Learn how scary challenges can help you grow in short time when you have people who support you
  • See how pairing speeds up your learning journey and make more things possible than you would have ever imagined
What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
Lisi Hocke's profile'

Lisi Hocke

Senior Expert Quality Engineer

Lisi found tech as her place to be in 2009 and grew as a specialized generalist ever since. She's passionate about the whole-team approach to holistic testing and quality and enjoys experimenting and learning continuously. Building great products which deliver value together with great people motivates her and lets her thrive. Having received a lot from communities, she's paying it forward by sharing her stories and learning in public. She tweets as @lisihocke, toots as @lisihocke@mastodon.social and blogs at www.lisihocke.com. In her free time, she plays indoor volleyball or delves into computer games and stories of all kinds.
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