Approach to Comparing Tools with Shweta Sharma

13th January 2023
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Shweta's profile

Director of Quality Engineering Services

Approach to Comparing Tools with Shweta Sharma image
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Talk Description

In today's ever-evolving Darwinian software development era, test automation tools are foundational for creating valuable digital products, ensuring Quality at Speed. But how to choose the right automation testing tool when you get to see a new tool launched in the market every six months? It's daunting. Right? Moreover, the internet is flooded with tons of resources to guide you to decide, which confuses you even more. Choosing the right automation testing tool is not that easy. In my talk, I will walk you through a systematic approach to break down your complex problems into manageable problem statements and utilising a collective solution to make an informed decision at speed and scale.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • How can you figure out the type of test automation software your company requires?
  • How can you simplify the process of selecting a test automation tool?
  • How do you make the final selection?
Shweta's profile'


Director of Quality Engineering Services

Shweta has over fourteen years of experience in the software testing business as a QA expert. She manages the whole QA team at Axelerant, and her responsibilities include implementing relevant and contemporary testing techniques throughout the company. She also plays a key part in the design of Axelerant's Test Automation on numerous projects. She believes in empowering her coworkers and serves as a QA mentor to a number of them. She's given a number of talks in the Drupal and Testing communities.
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