Ask Me Anything about Learning

6th November 2023
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Eva Podbrdská's profile
Eva Podbrdská

QA Engineer

Ask Me Anything about Learning image
Talk Description
Vernon Richards was joined by the wonderful Eva Podbrdská, who joined us online from Prague, and showed us how learning actually works, according to neuroscientists, and how we can leverage this knowledge to our advantage.

Eva brought us a great talk Boost Your Brain: Strategies for Effective and Persistent Learning where she detailed several strategies and techniques to make our learning much more powerful and effective so that we can make the best use of our learning time.

Eva also delivered the fantastic 99 Minute Workshop titled Expedition into the Unchartered Territories of Learning and the Activity Passive Learning and the Illusion of Familiarity.
What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • With the right approach, there is effectively no limit to what you can learn
  • The way we're taught to learn at school is based on tradition, not science
  • How learning actually works, according to neuroscientists, and how you can leverage this knowledge to your advantage
Eva Podbrdská's profile'

Eva Podbrdská

QA Engineer

I work as a tester on the backend team of Showmax - a VoD platform operating in sub-saharan Africa. I switched my career into IT in 2019 after my parental leave and it was the best decision in my life so far. I enjoy figuring out how things work, I enjoy playing with APIs, microservices and databases and most of all I enjoy asking questions. I love dogs and sometimes torture my violin. I am autistic (and probably also ADHD)
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