Breaking Boundaries Using Charles - Suman Bala

13th January 2023
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Suman Bala

Test Architect

Breaking Boundaries Using Charles - Suman Bala image
Talk Description

Quite often we struggle to test all scenarios due to the limitation of test data especially when apps rely on 3rdparty services and testing at different territories is required. Depending on the testability of your product, it can be hard to check all corner cases if the production back-end must be used and cannot be tricked. With a proxy, you can change what will be displayed.

Charles Proxy is known as Man-In-The-Middle and is loaded with features. Charles not only allows us to learn more about how our app functions the way it does, but it also opens our eyes to an entirely new array of testing possibilities to explore. Charles Proxy can help to identify the cause of the bug that relates to your app making/receiving network calls/responses!


  • How to use Charles on iOS and Android devices.
  • Observing and modifying HTTP Requests and Responses
  • How to add a breakpoint and when not to use breakpoints
  • Rewriting using map local and remote
  • Network throttling
  • Charles for iOS; enabling you to capture traffic directly on iOS device.
What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
Suman Bala's profile'

Suman Bala

Test Architect

Suman Bala is a Test Architect with a passion for improvement in quality processes and is a strong believer in Test Automation. She feels proud of how people’s perspective has changed regarding testing throughout her career. She is striving to instil the idea that quality is everyone’s responsibility as opposed to merely laying it at the feet of QA. She is a co-organiser for the Ministry of Testing Bucks meet-up. She is a mentor and coach at work and within the wider testing community. She is co-designing and delivering the “Software Testing Bootcamp” sponsored by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
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