Finding Testing Allies - Melissa Eaden

13th January 2023
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Melissa Eaden

Senior Technologist

Finding Testing Allies - Melissa Eaden image
Talk Description

From my own work experience, I found that often critical information is scattered across departments. Not just engineering departments, but departments like Customer Service, DevOps, Marketing, and even Sales. What if you actively sought out members of those departments and started a two-way communication exchange. Questions could be answered along with clearing up misinformation. Silos would come down and transparency would develop.

In this talk, I'll share my personal stories about reaching out across different departments and I'll give you ideas on how to reach out to departments on your own. How to develop relationships via games and conversations. How to use the information you gathered to strengthen your testing efforts or even correct misinformation you might have had about the product you are testing. I'll discuss how to push the testing mindset outside of the development organization and foster that mindset in the company at large. We'll look at an organization as a whole asset to testing, customers included!

Join the discussion about TestBash Brighton over at The Club

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
Melissa Eaden's profile'

Melissa Eaden

Senior Technologist

Melissa Eaden has worked for more than a decade with tech companies such as Security Benefit, HomeAway, ThoughtWorks, and now Unity Technologies. Melissa’s previous career in mass media continues to lend itself to her current career endeavors. She can be found on Twitter @melthetechie
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