From Tester to Test Coach: A Voyage into the Unknown - Rob Meaney

13th January 2023
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Rob Meaney

From Tester to Test Coach: A Voyage into the Unknown - Rob Meaney image
Talk Description

I believe that the evolving role of a tester is to advocate for and encourage the right testing to be done rather than performing the testing activity.

As a result of this belief, I have embarked on a journey from being a dedicated tester on a scrum team to a test coach advocating for quality and influencing test practices across an entire organisation.

In this session, I'll discuss the emotions, obstacles, successes and learning that I experienced during my journey so far. I'll also talk through the results of my efforts and provide advice for anyone looking to follow me on this journey.


Attendees to this session will get an insight into the many challenges of taking on a test coaching role but also the potential rewards.

I hope the session will also provide helpful advice to anyone hoping to advocate for and encourage the right testing within their organisation.

The attendees will hear my story, the pitfalls I experienced, the things that worked and what I learned and I believe will come out with a better understanding of how to influence those around them to focus on delivering a quality product.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

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Rob Meaney

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