Getting under the Skin of a React Application: an Intro to Subcutaneous Testing - Melissa Eaden & Avalon McRae

13th January 2023
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Melissa Eaden's profile
Melissa Eaden

Senior Technologist

Avalon McRae's profile
Avalon McRae

Getting under the Skin of a React Application: an Intro to Subcutaneous Testing - Melissa Eaden & Avalon McRae image
Talk Description

While UI tests are often the standard approach for functional testing, they have weaknesses in speed and effectual results. Subcutaneous Testing is an automated testing technique that allows testers and developers to collaborate on automated workflows as a testable unit. This allows for testing of behavior and functionality in isolation from compatibility issues. We’ll highlight benefits, risks, and demo an example of how this can work with a react/redux front end.


  • Definition of subcutaneous testing and what it aims to accomplish.
  • A technical overview about how to do SubQ testing in a react framework.
  • An explanation of gotchas about the limitations of this kind of testing.
  • How SubQ testing can change your UI Testing focus.
What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
Melissa Eaden's profile'

Melissa Eaden

Senior Technologist

Melissa Eaden has worked for more than a decade with tech companies such as Security Benefit, HomeAway, ThoughtWorks, and now Unity Technologies. Melissa’s previous career in mass media continues to lend itself to her current career endeavors. She can be found on Twitter @melthetechie
Avalon McRae's profile'

Avalon McRae

Avalon McRae is a full stack software developer current working at ThoughtWorks, based out of New York, NY. She has worked in a variety of languages including JavaScript, Groovy, Java, and Kotlin, and is currently doing React/redux and Kotlin. She is passionate about automated testing (particularly TDD) and supporting and mentoring women in technology. Before ThoughtWorks, Avalon studied computer science and economics at Dartmouth College.
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