Mobile App Testing - Emulator/Simulators or Real Device

13th January 2023
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Vaishali Megharaj Desarda's profile
Vaishali Megharaj Desarda

 Mobile App Testing - Emulator/Simulators or Real Device image
Talk Description

Now that everyone has a smartphone and access to many free and paid apps, users and customers expect a certain level of professional and polished behaviour on their mobile devices. They know what to expect, what their devices are capable of, and expect to be delighted in terms of user experience, stability and interactions.

In the starting phase of the app development, we may not have access to all possible real devices given the different OS versions available in the market on iOS & Android.

We have multiple options on how to QA for Mobile app testing. We can test the apps with Emulators / Simulators, Real Devices & Cloud-based device farms.

You have to have the right balance between real devices and emulators/simulators to get accurate results in the shortest time possible.
This talk will give you insights on what to choose and when to choose - a kind of strategy for selecting between Emulator/simulator & the real device.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Pros & Cons of Emulator/Simulator & Real Devices
  • Basic distinction between the Emulator/Simulator & Real Devices
  • When to choose Emulator/Simulator & Real Devices
Vaishali Megharaj Desarda's profile'

Vaishali Megharaj Desarda

Hi, I am Vaishali Desarda. I am interested in Quality and I care about it. I have 10+ years of experience in the Testing field while I worked with Fintech, Core banking, Open banking, Utilities, Mobile apps, APIs in India & UK. I regularly write on practical matters related to testing. My 22+ articles are available here & at LinkedIn. I am an active Testing Community member and have begun speaking at online conferences.
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