Mobile Test Management Done Right

13th January 2023
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Daniel Knott's profile
Daniel Knott

Head of Software Testing

Mobile Test Management Done Right image
Talk Description

Mobile test management is a complex and challenging task. The process requires planning, controlling, tracking, executing and monitoring of different steps throughout the whole software development cycle. It can be a heavy, expensive and if done wrong a slow process until it reveals meaningful feedback on the quality of the product or the development process. 

In today's fast pace mobile development and release cycle, companies can't afford any mistakes of their mobile products. Mobile products must have a high quality level, if not the customers will switch to another app or product with a single tap and will never come back.

In this talk, I will explain what is needed in order to establish a reliable, lightweight and lean mobile test management process and what are the most important parts of the planning and execution steps.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Know your customers and involve them in the development
  • How to define mobile test scenarios and make them reusable
  • How to handle the technical mobile challenges
  • How to release mobile products on a regular basis with confidence
Daniel Knott's profile'

Daniel Knott

Head of Software Testing

Daniel loves digital products with high quality being it web or native mobile applications. Currently, he is working as Head of Software Testing at MaibornWolff in Germany, where he shapes the future of testing for his clients. In the past 13 years, he worked as Lead Software Test Engineer for different native mobile apps and products. Daniel wrote two books - Hands-On Mobile App Testing and Smartwatch App Testing and is a frequent blogger at and conference speaker. Since 2022 he also created his YouTube Channel about Software Testing.
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