Organisational Psychotherapy Taster - Bob Marshall

13th January 2023
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Bob Marshall (FlowChainSensei)'s profile
Bob Marshall (FlowChainSensei)

Organisational Psychotherapy Taster - Bob Marshall image
Talk Description

An interactive session allowing participants to experience what it’s like to be an Organisational Psychotherapist, and what it’s like to be a client organisation in therapy.

My 40+ years in software development has led me to believe that the one crucial element for success is how we relate to each other and collaborate together. To that end I now practice most often as an Organisational Psychotherapist, helping organisations improve the quality of their interpersonal relationships and, more generally, the mental, emotional and relational well-being of the organisation and its people.

I share Carl Rogers’ view that the key element of being an (Organisational) Psychotherapist is the modelling of a healthy relationship such that the client organisation has a friendly role model for its own interactions and relationships. I’ve written often on my blog about various aspects of this perspective.

Being a very new discipline, and unknown to most, this session offers the opportunity to experience Organisational Psychotherapy first hand, in an interactive workshop and role-play setting. After a brief (10 minutes) introduction, attendees will have the opportunity to learn a little about one of several established therapy techniques, and then apply their learnings in a role-play. Attendees are invited to form small teams (4-5 people) and explore their assigned style of therapy (laptops or tablets + Internet Search suggested). One team, chosen at random, will be invited to adopt the role of Organisational Psychotherapist, with another team invited to prepare and play the role of the client organisation. Come role-play time, the remaining teams have the opportunity to observe the interaction. The concluding wrap-up will allow for time for brief reflection and integration of the experience.


  • An appreciation of the value proposition of Organisational Psychotherapy.
  • Some appreciation of the Organisational Psychotherapy experience (for clients, practitioners and participants).
  • An idea of the scope and demands implicit in Organisational Psychotherapy.
What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
Bob Marshall (FlowChainSensei)'s profile'

Bob Marshall (FlowChainSensei)

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