Performance Testing 101

13th January 2023
  • Locked
Marie Cruz's profile
Marie Cruz

Developer Advocate

Performance Testing 101 image
Talk Description

Have you ever heard of the term Performance Testing?

Do you get confused as to what the differences are among load testing, stress testing and soak testing?

Have you ever been asked to perform client side and server side performance testing but you’re unsure how to get started?

If you’ve answered yes to these questions then this talk is for you! As part of this talk, I will cover the following things:

  • Why do we need to test for performance?
  • The difference between client side and server side performance testing.
  • An overview of what metrics to consider when doing client side performance testing.
  • An overview of what metrics to consider when doing server side performance testing.
  • A quick glimpse on how to measure the performance of your favourite website using Google Lighthouse for client side performance and k6 for server side performance.

After this talk, you should be equipped with the knowledge and tools to use to get started with performance testing.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Understand the difference between client side and server side performance testing
  • Know the different metrics when it comes to performance testing
  • A quick overview on how to run performance test and analyse results from a Google Lighthouse report
  • A quick overview on how to use k6 Learn the technical skills to use k6 for back end performance testing
Marie Cruz's profile'

Marie Cruz

Developer Advocate

Marie Cruz is currently a Developer Advocate at and Grafana Labs. She is a tech blogger at and an accessibility advocate. She is also an online course instructor at Ministry of Testing and Test Automation University.
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