Resilience Testing! Why Should You? - Geoffrey van der Tas

13th January 2023
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Geoffrey van der Tas's profile
Geoffrey van der Tas

Quality/Team Performance Coach

Resilience Testing! Why Should You? - Geoffrey van der Tas image
Talk Description

Nowadays we build applications via the microservice principles to make our applications easier to maintain, deploy, test and change. These microservices can easily be deployed on cloud platforms. Within the cloud we select the best architecture components and all our problems disappear. We automate every step and are able to recover and re-deploy within minutes. Sounds good! Never have performance, resilience or any infrastructure issues ever again. 


However, in the cloud more responsibilities end up with the DevOps teams. They become responsible for the infrastructure, have more settings to tune and variables you can control. This also impacts testing.  


During this talk, we will explore this new world, the impact on testing and how resilience testing fits in. Based on the experience and failures I had with teams moving to the cloud, I will tell you about the pitfalls and how to avoid them. I will also show you how to start with resilience testing your own microservice/cloud infrastructure.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Resilience testing, why it is important and how to start with it!
  • Theory on Cloud, Microservices
  • How to do your very own Resilience Test
  • The importance of Monitoring and combination with testers
  • Tools & Best practices to start resilience testing.
Geoffrey van der Tas's profile'

Geoffrey van der Tas

Quality/Team Performance Coach

Geoffrey works as though leader for Ordina Auto|Q. Geoffrey has focus on more the agile side of testing and exploratory side of testing. Together Geoffrey and Mark worked on this workshop to combine both their skill sets.
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