The Forgotten 'Ility' - Ash Winter

13th January 2023
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Ash Winter

Tester & Co-Author

The Forgotten 'Ility' - Ash Winter image
Talk Description

You know what we don't talk about enough. Testability. I don't just mean testers either. Everybody. The benefits of testability are often forgotten, left until it’s too late, we are left scratching our heads as to why the system is doing that and how unaware we were.

If we know how to talk about testability in a compelling way, showing the benefits for all stakeholders, I believe it can be a central part of a product and seen as essential. In the age of focus on the narrowing gap between development and operations, testability shares many those goals, with feature flagging, effective monitoring and log management (to name but a few) synonymous with control and observability. And that is just the start of the benefits of a testability focus can bring.

I'll share a few stories that have taught me a great deal, plus the how the work of others has helped me along the way. All in hope of energizing those in attendance to use their new found testability focus in their workplace. After all, if its controllable and observable to some degree, its testable. If it’s not, how effective is your testing? And if it’s not testable, then how will you support it when its live?

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

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Ash Winter's profile'

Ash Winter

Tester & Co-Author

Ash Winter is a consulting tester and conference speaker, working as an independent consultant providing testing, performance engineering, and automation of both build and test. He has been a team member delivering mobile apps and web services for start ups and a leader of teams and change for testing consultancies and their clients. He spends most of his time helping teams think about testing problems, asking questions and coaching when invited.
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