The Power of Mocking APIs - Shivani Gaba

13th January 2023
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Shivani Gaba's profile
Shivani Gaba

Senior QA

The Power of Mocking APIs - Shivani Gaba image
Talk Description

Blocked because the API you depend on doesn’t exist yet or isn't completely ready? Facing trouble to test certain scenarios due to a lack of control over third-party APIs?

Struggling to test failure cases like invalid responses or 5XX errors? Frustrated by flaky tests due to slow API responses? 


These are some common problems we regularly encounter. We cannot rely on slow APIs that provide a very narrow range of responses. So how can we test effectively in such situations? Is there any feasible solution available? Fortunately, there is: API mocking. 


If you are less familiar with mocks and want to gain more insight, join this talk.

In this session, I will explain how to mock APIs using Wiremock. Using a real-life example application, we’ll explore how to handle complex scenarios and form an effective testing strategy. Join this session to gain insights on how, when, and—most importantly—why we should mock APIs. Together we will discover how development and testing can benefit from mocks.  Remember, “If API testing is the king, mocking APIs is the queen!”


Please note: at the end of this talk, you will have full access to the example application used during the talk for trying out mocking for themselves :) 

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • The benefits of mocking APIs for development and testing
  • How to mock APIs
  • Which scenarios can be covered better with mocks
  • When to mock and when not to mock
  • Which different types of testing benefit from mocks
Shivani Gaba's profile'

Shivani Gaba

Senior QA

Shivani is a passionate QA Engineer who believes that knowledge sharing boost up all engaged parties and increases their confidence. It was summer of 2013 when Shivani and “testing” met each other first time and are best friends since then. Holding rich experience in testing domain, she currently works as Senior QA Engineer with XING (the largest business network in German speaking countries). With hands-on in all layers of software testing ranging from UI(frontend), API and backend, functional, non-functional , mobile testing - API remains her all-time favourite. As a certified scrum master, working in agile manner is always her approach. She believes in idea of spreading her findings about any “new fancy stuff” she learns. She has worked with multiple international teams and brings forward idea of whole team contributing for quality. She's always up for conversation over twitter, email, linkedin, Xing or beer table :) Linkedin Xing
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