Tooling for Automated Testing with Marie Drake

13th January 2023
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Marie Cruz's profile
Marie Cruz

Developer Advocate

Tooling for Automated Testing with Marie Drake image
Talk Description

There is no direct answer as to what is the best testing tool out there. Context is always key and this applies to test tooling for automated testing as well. Your choice of tools will depend on a variety of factors and what you have used previously might not always work for new projects.

In this talk, I would like to share with everyone what our team's current automation stack is, how we are using modern testing tools and the reasoning behind it and a glimpse of what our future plans are for further improvement.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • The team's rationale and decision making approach when choosing a test automation tool.
  • Challenges that we faced along the way when implementing these tools in our projects.
  • How did we get buy-in and collaboration from all engineers?
Marie Cruz's profile'

Marie Cruz

Developer Advocate

Marie Cruz is currently a Developer Advocate at and Grafana Labs. She is a tech blogger at and an accessibility advocate. She is also an online course instructor at Ministry of Testing and Test Automation University.
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