API Challenge - Trisha Chetani using Postman

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Trisha Chetani

Software Tester

API Challenge - Trisha Chetani using Postman image

Trisha Chetani solves the API challenge from Test.bash(); 2022 using Postman.

Challenge Description

For this challenge, we’ll be using restful-booker-platform which can be found here: https://automationintesting.online/ to see demonstrations of API automation tools that can chain requests and assert HTTP responses. We’d like to see how far you got with solving the challenge, what you liked about the tooling you used, and what you disliked.


Using an API automation tool that you think the community would be interested in, show us how you would mitigate the following risk:

The Room API is unable to create rooms

If you had to build automation to confirm the Room API is able to create a room, how would you do it?


One example of mitigating this risk might be to use Postman to:

  1. Create a request to log in as an admin using the Auth API and save the Cookie that comes back in
  2. Send a POST request to the Room API
  3. Assert that the room has been created and contains expected room details using the Test tab

Tip: Check out the Postman collection for Restful-Booker-Platform to get started with its APIs www.postman.com/automation-in-testing will grant you access to the Auth Swagger documentation.

Trisha Chetani's profile'

Trisha Chetani

Software Tester

I am software tester, and automation enthusiast. I have been assisting the teams in adhering to testing procedures and providing support, that enables teams to deliver high-quality software in Agile and DevOps environments. For professional growth, I'm always excited to attend conferences and meet-ups. I also take an active role in my community. I've been rewarded along the way with titles like "Browserstack Champion," "Postman Supernova," and "125 Awesome Software Testers," "AWS Community Builder". I'm also serving in the role of Board Member for the Association of Software Testing. I enjoy my work, but I've considered the larger picture more, so I'm seeking for prospects to succeed in a management position.
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