Ebooks for Software Testers

Ebooks for Software Testers

Content in review

Ebooks are often scattered across the internet and are hard to find. Here is a handy list of both free and paid for software testing ebooks we've found that you might find useful.

Free Ebooks

Paid For eBooks

More to add?

Are there any resources we’ve missed? Do you know of a software testing e-book we should add to the list? Share your findings on The Club and we’ll review it to be added to this list.

Learning Through Volunteering: Testing For The Experience
The 4-hour Tester Experiment (No Testers Were Harmed In The Process) – Helena Jeret-Mäe and Joep Schuurkes
Dear Future Me... A Letter to Myself about Testing, the Universe and Everything - Alex Schladebeck
The 3rd episode of The Testing Planet, The Toolsmith will be all about, yes you guessed it: tools 😉
Explore MoT
Human-Centric Exploratory Testing
Learn the main concepts of exploratory testing and how it differentiates from other established approaches
MoT Advanced Certificate in Test Automation
Ascend to leadership roles by mastering strategic skills in automation strategy creation, planning and execution