Ask Me Anything (AMA)


We bring software testing experts to the community to answer your questions.

Displaying AMAs 1 - 30 of 55 in total


Ask Me Anything - Playwright
Dive into the world of advanced automation with Playwright
Ask Me Anything - Holistic Testing
Unlock the transformative power of holistic testing
Ask Me Anything - Talking Testing With Stakeholders
Discover expert strategies for effective testing communication
Ask Me Anything - Soft Skills
Unpack the pivotal role of soft skills in testing
Testing Ask Me Anything - Business Risk
Identify commonly missed areas of risk in testing
Testing Ask Me Anything - Getting Hired
Uncover a recruiter's secrets behind the recruitment process
Ask Me Anything - Really Anything About Testing
Nicola Lindgren answer anything, really anything about testing!
Ask Me Anything About Regression Testing - Deborah Sherwood
During this session, James Espie is joined by the fantastic Deborah Sherwood for a Testing Ask Me Anything about Regression Testing
Testing Ask Me Anything - Career Building
Get answers to questions on building and switching careers
Testing Ask Me Anything - Quality Coaching
Quality Coaching explained; discover the challenges, benefits and more!
Testing Ask Me Anything on Test Strategies
Create strategies that guide your testing choices and give your tests structure
Testing Ask Me Anything - DevOps
Get insights on how to handle risks in DevOPs
Testing Ask Me Anything - Testability
Gain essential Testability insights for the entire development team
Testing Ask Me Anything - CI/CD and Delivery Pipelines
Testing Ask Me Anything | CI/CD and Delivery Pipelines | Abby Bangser
Testing Ask Me Anything - Reliability Engineering
Uncover the transformative strategies of reliability engineering
Testing Ask Me Anything - Security Testing
Discover cutting-edge strategies and practical insights in security testing
Testing Ask Me Anything - Technical Testing
Get actionable advice to enhance your technical skills and approach
Ask Me Anything with Maaike Brinkhof
Mobile tester and fantastic person Maaike Brinkhof answers the attendees mobile testing questions
Testing Ask Me Anything - Careers with Srinivas Murthy
In this AMA, Srinivas answers questions about Testing Careers, from our attendees.
ReTestBash UK 2022: Live Q&A with Stuart Day and Vernon Richards
Stuart Day and Vernon Richards joined us at ReTestBash UK 2022 for a live Q&A session after their talk What is Quality Coaching, Why Should Testers Care And What Difference Does It Make For Our Teams?
Testing Ask Me Anything - Test Leadership
Get a fresh perspective on test leadership
Ask Xray Anything!
Understand more about Xray's tools with this Ask Me Anything with Sergio Freire from Xra!
ReTestBash UK 2022: Live Q&A with Robbie Falck
Robbie Falck joined us at ReTestBash UK 2022 for a live Q&A session after his talk Throw Out the QA Strategy Documents and Build a Ways of Working and we had some very interesting questions and ans...
Testing Ask Me Anything - Testing Essentials
Learn more about the essentials of Software Testing and the models that can help you.
ReTestBash UK 2022: Live Q&A with Clare Norman
Clare Norman joined us at ReTestBash UK 2022 for a live Q&A session after her talk Quality Coaching: Level 1​​​​​​​ and we had some very interesting questions and answers.
ReTestBash UK 2022: Live Q&A with Dan Ashby
Dan Ashby joined us at ReTestBash UK 2022 for a live Q&A session after his talk Evolving Our Testing: Assessing Quality Throughout The SDLC and we had some very interesting questions and answers.
ReTestBash UK 2022: Live Q&A with Marie Cruz
Marie Cruz joined us at ReTestBash UK 2022 for a live Q&A session after her talk Performance Testing 101​​​​​​​ and we had some very interesting questions and answers.
ReTestBash UK 2022: Live Q&A with Julia Pottinger
Julia Pottinger joined us at ReTestBash UK 2022 for a live Q&A session after her talk Next Level API Automation and we had some very interesting questions and answers.
ReTestBash UK 2022: Live Q&A with Kika Ganesan
Kika Ganesan joined us at ReTestBash UK 2022 for a live Q&A session after her talk The Power of Example Mapping! and we had some very interesting questions and answers.
Testing Ask Me Anything - Security Testing
Get an understanding of Security Testing