We Just Launched Unlimited Membership! Get our early access pricing.

Software testers should never feel lonely, at Ministry of Testing we are here to support you at every step of your journey.

Software testers should never feel lonely, at Ministry of Testing we are here to support you at every step of your journey.

There’s a lot going on at Ministry of Testing.

The Testing Planet is on a smooth monthly roll.

We launched Test Automation Certificates earlier this year.

We are back to TestBash as an annual gathering IRL, in Brighton.

We continue to iterate and improve our Professional Membership offering with Testing TrendsSlack, and Office Hours…all of this is in addition to maintaining our Professional Membership offering.

And we’re excited for some other things that are yet to come. 

We are testing the limits of how far we can go to serve the software testing, QA and quality engineering industry and your career. 


💥 Go Unlimited for access to everything we have on offer!

Now we want to make it as easy as possible for you to access everything we have on offer by bundling everything into one amazing package.

This includes Professional Membership, Certifications and our TestBash conferences plus anything else we offer in the future.

👉 Go Unlimited


A screenshot of MoT Membership options: Club, Professional, Unlimited

👉 Go Unlimited

PS: Early discounted pricing available for a limited time

PPS: Unlimited is an annual subscription for individuals or teams.