Experience Report Live: Risks and Charters with Beren van Daele

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Beren Van Daele's profile
Beren Van Daele


Experience Report Live: Risks and Charters with Beren van Daele image

Challenge Description

This challenge is one of the Exploratory testing week challenges that get you thinking about and practising Exploratory testing. Our challenges offer activities for you to learn new skills and knowledge as well as practise Exploratory testing. Whether you are just starting out in Exploratory testing or looking to try out something new. We have the challenge for you.


When it comes to Exploratory testing how do we organise it and ensure we’re discovering the right information? Fortunately, with the use of charters we can plan and prioritise exploratory testing and use them to help us focus our testing. In this activity we’ll learn how to build charters quickly based on risks we feel might impact our products.


This activity is designed to help you become more familiar with the link between risks and charters and how we can use charters to test for specific risks. We’ll also learn how to use identified risks to help us create a range of charters for exploratory testing.


For this challenge, we would like you to:

  1. Download one of the attached User stories for this challenge
  2. Read through the User story and support information
  3. Start by writing down a series of risks that you feel could negatively impact the feature
  4. Once you’ve captured your risks, write out five to ten charters that you can use for running exploratory testing sessions

Some tips:

  1. Consider using tools like RiskStorming to help you generate risks
  2. Try different templates for creating charters such as:
    1. My mission is to test to discover
    2. Explore to discover
    3. Look at to test for
  3. Help one another out by sharing risks and charter templates in this Club thread
Beren Van Daele's profile'

Beren Van Daele


I lead a company: Isle of IT

Together with like-minded people who value communication and transparency above all else, we wish to grow a company that enables people to be themselves. Experts to the outside, a fellowship on the inside.
Each member has the freedom to pursue their own merit, whatever that looks like, while also bearing a responsibility to the continuation and growth of the company. With full transparency, we aim to facilitate communication between members to find a balance that makes sense for themselves.

I am a Consultant:
I am a consultant who shapes software delivery teams to improve on their work and their understanding of quality. Once a Software Tester, sometimes a Product Owner, I travel around, meeting software crafters all across Europe to learn from and teach.

I create things:

  • TestSphere, a testing card game that inspires and supports knowledge sharing
  • RiskStorming, a workshop that focusses the team on quality and risks
  • RiskStormingOnline.com is RiskStorming for the remote world.

I do conferences:

  • BREWT is peer workshop for testers. (organiser)
  • ITMatters is a conference for Diversity and Inclusion in IT (support)
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