It's Time for a Change - Julia Duran

13th January 2023
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Julia Duran's profile
Julia Duran

Testing Engineer at Glofox

It's Time for a Change - Julia Duran image
Talk Description
Sometimes we find ourselves at points of no progress in our professional careers. We do not recognize ourselves in the work we do in our day-to-day lives. We are not happy doing tasks to which we dedicate a large part of our lives.
It was at that point that I decided to take charge of the situation and seek a change. I was willing to face being uncomfortable and all the consequences of leaving the safe environment in which I found myself.
In this talk, I will tell you about my journey from being a Testing Manager to returning to my origins as a Tester, in a profession that has changed so much in the last 15 years. It has not only meant changing companies but also working in a language that is not my mother tongue.
I will explain to you how I identified my goal, made my plan, the tools I used to gain access to technical positions and I will share everything I learned in the course of the interviews I did.
Those who listen to me will obtain tools to identify their own path, tricks to better cope with interviews, and, above all, an example with which they will identify and serve as inspiration.
What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • The value of your community
  • Feeling uncomfortable makes you grow - Only by having the courage to face situations that make you feel uncomfortable can you grow
  • Plan, do, fail, learn - It is the old recipe that continues to work, with a special focus on the learning obtained and how valuable it is to share what has been learned with others
Julia Duran's profile'

Julia Duran

Testing Engineer at Glofox

I love asking questions and I have managed to get paid for it ;). Continuous learning!
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