Lessons Learned From 60 Days of Performance Testing - Kim Knup

13th January 2023
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Kim Knup's profile
Kim Knup

Lessons Learned From 60 Days of Performance Testing - Kim Knup image
Talk Description

Imagine the following scenario.

You have a new commerce platform and you have just proven that it performs just as well as the old one.

As a team you have a goal of selling a certain number of items over a very specific time period and by using the current knowledge and data you have, you confirm this will not be a problem… until you receive a clearer picture of how the data will be structured and it becomes clear within 10 seconds that the system will not scale as expected.

What now?


  • Why did we need performance testing and how it helped us
  • What are different types of performance tests we chose to employ
  • Why we learned to vary our performance testing strategy
  • The importance of understanding our production data volumes and throughput
  • The importance of understanding our real end-user’s behaviours


All of the above feed into helping you create a performance testing strategy that can not only help you gather information of your system under stress but also help your testing strategy in general.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
Kim Knup's profile'

Kim Knup

Kim is Senior Digital Tester at Legal and General, co-organisers of the Brighton tester meet-up; #TestActually and event host for the Brighton Software Testing Clinic. She is passionate about usability and likes to do what the user (apparently) would never do.

Over the years she’s worked in linguistic games testing, and worked with big data archiving and asset management tools as well as recruiting and leading a small team of testers. Her main interests are usability testing and using automation tools to aid exploratory testing.

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