Tested By Monkeys: The End Of Banana Software! - Jeremias Rößler

13th January 2023
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Tested By Monkeys: The End Of Banana Software! - Jeremias Rößler  image
Talk Description

Various automation tools have been available for quite some time now, but due to high efforts, GUI-Testing is still mainly a manual task. Meanwhile overall testing effort has risen to make up 30% of an average overall software budget. Is crowd-testing the answer? What if we could have automated test cases be created automatically?

Monkey Testing is not a new idea. But combined with a manually trainable AI and an innovative new testing approach (dubbed ""difference testing""), we can now not only have the monkey search for technical bugs (i.e. crashes) but generate functional test cases that are optimized towards several goals and are even better than manually created ones.

Visit the future of testing and see how AI can help us create better software!

Join the discussion about TestBash Belfast over at The Club

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
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The last 3 years I had no personal income.

The last 3 years I tried to change the world.

In every software project I was so far, testing was a major issue – always too late, always too little. Especially regression testing. And that I wanted to change.

Therefore I relinquished income for three years and invested all of my none-existent personal assets to let a vision come true.

This vision is what I want to show you!

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