Testing for (and Resolving) Mobile Accessibility Issues

13th January 2023
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Kim Arnett's profile
Kim Arnett

Native Mobile Team Lead

Testing for (and Resolving) Mobile Accessibility Issues image
Talk Description

In 2020, a global pandemic forced everyone to change their habits in acquiring products, lifelines and staying in touch with friends and family.

With the challenges stay-at-home orders presented, a light shined on the absolute necessity to create accessible technology.

The challenge for app developers became “how can you weave accessibility into your user experience when it wasn’t a consideration from the start?”.

How do you know where to go when your experiences and knowledge in accessibility are limited?

Together let’s take a look at some tools and best practices to help you make progress on your accessibility journey.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Actionable steps to start fixing (then preventing) issues within your applications accessibility
  • Focus on iOS and Android
Kim Arnett's profile'

Kim Arnett

Native Mobile Team Lead

Kim is the Mobile Team Lead at Deque with a background in iOS development. She cares about diversity, inclusion, accessibility and making tech a better home for all. In her spare time she collects plants and dogs, and enjoys activities in nature such as hiking and kayaking.
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