The Use and Abuse of Selenium - Simon Stewart

13th January 2023
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Simon Stewart

Software Engineer

The Use and Abuse of Selenium - Simon Stewart image
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Talk Description

Like many power-tools, Selenium has a host of features that are designed to be used one way and end up being used another. In this technically focused talk, we'll cover the intended use and the observed abuse of some of these features. We'll cover everything from the proper way to wait, find and interact with elements, and even how to make your test runs fast and stable.


  • Better understanding of how Selenium works
  • Knowledge on how the waiting strategies interact
  • How to use the Actions APIs
  • Extending Selenium to better support your testing


What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • TBA
Simon Stewart's profile'

Simon Stewart

Software Engineer

Simon is the Selenium Project’s lead, the creator of WebDriver, and the co-editor of the W3C WebDriver specification. His career has lead him through ThoughtWorks, Google, and Facebook.

He speaks regularly at conferences, and lives in London with his family.

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