Introduction to Python for Software Testers

Speed up your testing by learning to script with Python

    • Dave Westerveld's profile
  • Beginner
  • 24
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283 already enrolled
  • Recognise the course instructor, Dave Westerveld!
  • Understand the scope of the course.
  • Discover the many benefits of learning to code in Python and how this can enhance your testing.
  • Identify what skills and knowledge you’ll gain throughout this course.
  • Understand how the course is laid out and how to get the most out of it.
Data Generation Solution
  • Understand how the activity is solved
  • See if you understood the concepts well enough to solve the challenge
  • Gain an understand of where you might have missing gaps in your understanding of lists and conditionals
Wrap up and What's Next?
  • Know where you can go to continue your Python learning journey

In taking this course you will acquire scripting skills that you will be able to use in your job as a software tester. For example, you will learn how to leverage scripting to analyze log files or to create a simple data file or get some random inputs you can use in testing.

This course is not about becoming a programmer and so it does not go into computer science fundamentals or even into much depth on things like clean coding practices. The primary purpose of this course is to make it so that you have an additional tool in your testing tool belt that you can use and so it will focus heavily on enabling you to do things that will be immediately helpful to you as a tester. 

This course is also not a test automation course in the sense of automating regression tests. It is about helping you think about the thousands of other ways you can use a dash of automation to make your life easier. 

To successfully complete this course you will need:

  • general understanding of how to work with computers there is little in the way of expected knowledge for this course.

Resources you will use throughout this course:

  • Python of course :) (we will use version 3 in this course)
  • A full list of exercise files and resources can be found in GitHub. These resources will be referenced throughout the course
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Senior Test Analyst
As a skilled tester with many years of experience under my belt, I see my purpose as doing whatever it takes to help teams ship high quality products more quickly. I love the technical side of testing as expressed in scripting and test automation and I also enjoy the interpersonal side of testing in terms of coaching testers and developers on what it looks like to ship quality products. I am always learning, growing and exploring. I believe that the path to creating quality software lies in understanding the intersection of human behavior and technology and so I am student of both human psychology and nature, as well as technology and how to use it effectively. One great way to learn is to teach and so I blog at and have made a few different video courses teaching various aspects of testing. On the technology side, python is my scripting language of choice although I have dabbled in other stuff as well. I've worked on various test automation projects and also enjoy diving into databases and code reviews and sniffing around in logs and other data to see what problems I can find. On the human side, I love to help coach and teach others and I try to share my knowledge with others whenever I can. I seek to work with others on the team to find where pain points are in our process and work to remove them. I firmly believe that software development is a team sport and that delivering good quality software is only something that can be done by a well functioning team and so I invest in building and developing relationships on whatever team I am a part of.
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