Let's Build an API Checking Framework

Learn how to build an API checking framework in Java

    • Mark Winteringham's profile
  • Intermediate
  • 7
  • 0
218 already enrolled
Part 1 - API Checking Framework - Getting Started
  • Discover what the course covers
  • Identify the prerequisites you'll need to take the course successfully
  • Set up the required tools you'll need throughout the course
Part 2 - API Checking Framework - Setting Up The Framework
  • Create a Mavern project
  • Set up dependancies to a Mavern project
  • Create an initial check to ensure your framework is running
Part 3 - API Checking Framework - Building Our First Check
  • Create a request library using Spring MVC
  • Create your first check using the request library to
Part 4 - API Checking Framework - Implementing Headers
  • Create custom headers in GET requests

Welcome to Let’s Build an API Checking Framework series where we look into how we can create a series of API checks using Java in a way that results in a framework that is easy to read, robust and fast.

The following is required:

  • A working knowledge of HTTP that you can learn about in an Introduction to HTTP
  • Comfortable working with Java - You can kickstart your Java learning with an Introduction to Java
  • Java 1.8 or above installed
  • Maven installed
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