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Artificial Intelligence, Real Quality

Join TestRail on August 20th to explore the results of the first ever AI in QA survey
16:00 - 17:00 BST

It’s impossible to escape the conversation around AI in QA, and equally impossible to escape the feeling of uncertainty about its impact on the future of quality engineering. Will AI change QA as we know it? Will it replace human testers entirely?

With so much hype on the topic, it can be hard to cut through the noise to understand how the QA testing community really feels about AI. To that end, we surveyed thousands of quality professionals to learn exactly how artificial intelligence is affecting their current workflows and future strategies.

Join us on Tuesday, August 20th to explore the results of the first-ever AI in QA survey and gain insights into how QA teams just like yours are:

  • Leveraging AI in their testing routines today
  • Overcoming barriers to AI adoption
  • Navigating challenges and successes with AI
  • Considering AI as they look to the future


All attendees will also be among the first to receive a free copy of our all-new AI in QA report for a deeper look into the state of artificial intelligence in quality in 2024.

Can’t attend live? Register regardless to receive a recording of the presentation the next day.