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Leeds Meetup

Attend a session on Testability, led by Ash Winter
18:00 - 20:00 GMT
Location: BJSS Leeds

Ministry of Testing Leeds is excited to bring you a session on Testability from a true leader in the field, Ash Winter. All the details will be posted soon but save the date and look out for updates.

Here's Ash's bio and I can highly recommend the Team Guide to Software Testability!

I'm Ash Winter, a tester and international speaker on testing and testability. I have worked for most of the usual suspects in Leeds and have lots of tales to tell about all of them. Along with several other community-minded souls, I am one of the co-organisers of the Leeds Testing Atelier. I am also a co-author of the Team Guide to Software Testability. Better testability is one of the keys to unlocking a whole team testing mindset and helping testers get out of the daily pain of hard-to-test systems. This is my mission!

A selection of food and drink will be available during the break and we offer our thanks to BJSS for hosting us again this year.