Managing Distributed QA Teams: Strategies for Success banner image

Managing Distributed QA Teams: Strategies for Success

In an era where remote teams have become the norm, mastering the art of managing hybrid and distributed QA teams is more crucial than ever
15:00 - 16:00 BST
Location: Online

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In an era where remote teams have become the norm, mastering the art of managing hybrid and distributed QA teams is more crucial than ever.

Join TestRail Solution Architect and industry veteran Chris Faraglia as he takes you through the nuances of enhancing hybrid and remote QA models across all sectors, enhanced by findings from TestRail's recent survey of over 4,000 QA teams.

This presentation will be followed by time for live Q&A and all attendees will receive a free download of the new edition of TestRail's Software Testing & Quality Report.

What You'll Learn:

  • Tips for both highly regulated and unregulated industries
  • Effective communication strategies to maximize team synergy
  • Innovative ways to boost collaboration between QA teams and stakeholders
  • Techniques to streamline your testing artefacts and processes for better efficiency
  • Special considerations for selecting testing tools and environments tailored to your needs
  • How to utilize retrospectives and self-assessments for continuous team and process improvement