Selenium 4 Integrations with Rhett Devlin

19th January 2024
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Rhett Devlin

Solutions Engineer at Ranorex

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Talk Description

Learn about the Selenium 4 integrations with Ranorex, focusing on both code and no-code approaches for UI test automation. 

The session covers various Selenium 4 features, including recording double clicks and right clicks, obtaining attributes of specific elements, and leveraging Ranorex's UI test automation tool without writing code. 

Rhett Devlin, a solutions engineer at Ranorex, demonstrates the workflow within Ranorex Studio, showcasing how to utilize both code and no-code methods for efficient test automation. The session also highlights Ranorex Driver, enabling Selenium users to automate desktop applications seamlessly with Ranorex.

  • Understand the integration of Selenium 4 features with Ranorex, including recording double clicks, right-clicks, and obtaining attributes of UI elements, and how these functionalities can be utilized in UI test automation.
  • Gain insights into the workflow within Ranorex Studio, exploring the flexibility of using both code and no-code approaches for UI test automation, along with the seamless integration of Selenium 4 scripts through Ranorex Driver.
Solutions Engineer at Ranorex
Solutions Engineer at Ranorex
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