Copyright Policy

Ministry of Testing respects the intellectual property rights of our community collaborators and other third parties and expects our visitors and members to do the same when using our Services. We reserve the right to ban visitors from becoming members or suspend or terminate the accounts of members who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights of others (regardless of whether the visitor or member has taken appropriate action as we may direct).

It is our policy that any content included on our Services that infringes, or is likely to infringe, the intellectual property rights of any collaborator or third party will be removed from the Services as soon as possible after we are made aware of such infringement or potential infringement.

If you are the owner of intellectual property rights, or are authorised to act on behalf of an owner, or authorised to act under any exclusive right, you should report any alleged infringements of your intellectual property rights taking place on or through the Services by emailing a Copyright Infringement Notice to, containing at a minimum the details outlined in section below.

Copyright Infringement Notice

Your written Copyright Infringement Notice must contain the following:

  • a statement telling us you believe that you have found content on our Services which you believe infringes your intellectual property rights;

  • which country your intellectual property rights apply to;

  • the title of the content concerned and the full URL for access to that content;

  • a statement explaining how the content infringes your intellectual property rights;

  • your mailing address, telephone number, and email address so that we can contact you;

  • a statement that the information contained in the notice is accurate and that you are the owner of the intellectual property rights or have an exclusive right in law to bring infringement proceedings in respect of its use; and

  • your signature (an electronic signature is sufficient).

We will take whatever action, in our sole discretion, we deem appropriate, including the removal of the challenged content.

Effective as of 7th August 2017
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