Advertise, Support, Connect With Our Community

Since 2007 Ministry of Testing has been the leading community of practice for software testers. We reach over 100k software testers across the globe and connect daily with the community.

We host conferences, virtually and in real life. Have an active community forum. Lead with engagement on social media, and we generally get super excited about leading with learning all things software testing.

Companies are very much part of our community too, we'd love to have your support and collaboration.

Sponsor TestBash Brighton

TestBash Brighton 2024 will be two days and have a full day dedicated to AI. We expect to host 500 software testing professionals. Find out more.

Community Newsletter Ad

We’ve been creating newsletters since 2013. Our newsletter is sent to an audience of 55k+ across our email list and LinkedIn newsletter. It has a healthy open rate of between 25-35%.  

We have two newsletter sponsorship options available: a top or mid section ad slot.

Currently we:


  • Top slot: £750 + VAT (if applicable) per ad 
  • Mid slot: £300 + VAT (if applicable) per ad. 

Promotional Package

This is our most popular and successful marketing option year on year. The promotional package is spread across a week, from Monday to Thursday to allow our community plenty of time to engage with you.   

The Promotional package includes: 

  • Newsletter Ad - This can be a top or mid-level ad.  With an audience of almost 55k+
  • Tweet - With an Impression rate of over 1M on a monthly basis and a follower count of over 27,000.
  • LinkedIn Page Post - Our page has over 90,000 followers.

Cost: £1,000 + VAT (if applicable) per package

Host a webinar

You host a webinar on a topic of your choosing that we organise and promote to our community. We will record and host the webinar and make it freely available for anyone to watch.

Cost: Please enquire.

Social marketing

We'll create a fun or educational social media (for example) post that tags, visually mentions and links back to you where possible.

We will cross-post it to all our social channels (Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram), or we can create content that connects and resonates with the testing community on your behalf.

Cost: Please enquire.

30 Days of Testing Challenges

We've hosted a variety of 30 Days of Testing Challenges over the years. These are challenges that last 30 Days are supported by social media and The Club. The content and branding stay online forever*.

Cost: Please enquire.

* We reserve the right to remove content if we deem it out of date.

Feature Spotlight 

This is a 10 minute video to tell the Ministry of Testing’s community about you.  You could share a feature or product update, or maybe you could answer a common FAQ.  A member of the Ministry of Testing’s team will host, asking questions throughout the video to get as much detailed information as possible. 

Cost: £950 + VAT (if applicable) per spotlight. 


Our community run local meetups, we welcome you to support their efforts by getting in touch with the individual meetup to sponsor them.

Please email for more information

* Information correct as of 01/01/2024