Building and Implementing an API Test Solution Strategy Across a Scaling Organisation - A Journey!

13th January 2023
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Jaswanth Manigundan's profile
Jaswanth Manigundan

Staff Quality Coach, Culture Amp

Building and Implementing an API Test Solution Strategy Across a Scaling Organisation - A Journey! image
Talk Description

Culture Amp has grown dramatically over the last 2 years. After a lot of analysis and learnings, Anne Marie Charrett led the company to move from a tester-in-a-team model to a Quality Assistance model. 

As part of the journey, since I joined Culture Amp as a Staff Quality Coach, I've taken upon API test automation as the slice that we want to improve as the first step in the organisation as a whole (200+ engineers and 25+ teams).

In order to do that, we selected three different areas that we want to focus on 1. Functionality 2. Contract 3. Load & Performance.

In this talk, I would speak about my journey in drafting an automation test strategy specifically meant for APIs and would also talk about the tools that we chose to help us thrive.

The tool that I would like to speak a bit more on is about Pact and how it helped us in our journey and ecosystem of development tools. Contract testing is something I have been sceptical about and have used schema validation extensively over the years. But to shatter all my presumptions and to allow a coherent way to manage contracts and dependencies across the organisations, Pact has been a great help.I have had a great time learning the tool and helping teams implement it across the organisation and I want to share the experience and journey with the community.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Understand the journey and challenges of drafting an API testing strategy across the organisation
  • Take a peek of what quality coaching specifically in regards to test automation would look like
  • Learn about the different API testing tools that we chose for our teams based on the value add and the problem it solves
  • Learn more about what tools like Pact and k6 can provide to an organisation’s testing needs
Jaswanth Manigundan's profile'

Jaswanth Manigundan

Staff Quality Coach, Culture Amp

I’m Jas from Melbourne. I currently work at Culture Amp as a Staff Quality Coach, specialising in test automation and testability. I have worked in the mobile app development space for almost a decade, where I saw mobile devices and operating systems get better and better by the day. My fascination towards mobile devices made me start my professional career as a mobile app developer. But my quest to build better apps and write code that is much more testable lead me to transition into a test automation engineer specialising in mobile. Since then, I’ve gradually explored a wide variety of test automation frameworks and have consulted for some of the leading software teams in Australia to build efficient test automation suites for both mobile and web apps. I have spoken about my test automation journey in a variety of testing conferences like the Ministry of Testing’s Testbashes, Automation Guild (by TestGuild) and Saucelabs’ Saucecon. I now work at Culture Amp alongside the legendary Anne-Marie Charrett helping build a passionate quality enablement team. I currently work with test automation frameworks (functionality, contract and load) for APIs, web apps, micro-services and event sourced systems. Latest obsession… Observability within test frameworks.
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