Feature Spotlight: Cypress Recorder
15th December 2023
Ioan Solderea
Lead QA

Talk Description
What are Feature Spotlights?
Feature Spotlights are short, concise videos focused on highlighting a single feature of a tool or framework, but most importantly, they're framed around a problem that anyone doing testing faces in their day-to-day work.
For example: the problem could be you've been asked to do cross-browser testing. Therefore, the Feature Spotlight might highlight how you could do that with Selenium, with Cypress, with Playwright.
The problem could be that you've been asked to look for a massive log file for certain keywords or phrases.
By the end of this session, you'll be able to:
- Learn about Cypress Recorder
Lead QA
I am one of those people who want to know all about all but will also be happy knowing a lot about a lot. Because of this I choose to be a tester since you get to learn always new technologies, you get to test in the most diverse areas and it is always fun to tell people you found a bug.
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