Orchestrating your Testing Process - Coordinating Your Manual and Automated Testing Efforts - Joel Montvelisky

13th January 2023
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Joel Montvelisky's profile
Joel Montvelisky

Co-Founder and Chief Solution Architect

Orchestrating your Testing Process - Coordinating Your Manual and Automated Testing Efforts - Joel Montvelisky image
Talk Description

Most testing and development organizations approach their manual and automated testing efforts independently. What’s more, when you look closer at them, you notice that even within their automation efforts they are using a number of different testing frameworks, running independently and without much thought around coordination, coverage overlaps or functional dependencies.


This needs to change! We’re wasting efforts and confusing our stakeholders (& even ourselves) with these dispersed and sometimes seemingly contradictory results. We need an approach to coordinate the planning, designing, execution, and reporting of our complete testing process, to achieve better visibility and make more accurate decisions faster.


This can be achieved by implementing the Test Orchestration Methodology. Where each part of the testing process “plays” independently based on its needs and tools, and when grouping them all together, you get a more complete and valuable set of results for your organization, based on the coordinated synergies of the different parts.


During the session, we will review how to implement and adapt the Orchestration approach to your organization and your process.

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

  • Understand the main reasons why the communication between testers and developers is sometimes broken
  • Learn new approaches in order to improve this communication channel
  • Learn how to foster the collaboration between devs and testers
Joel Montvelisky's profile'

Joel Montvelisky

Co-Founder and Chief Solution Architect

Joel has been in testing and QA since 1997, working as a tester, QA Manager and Director, and a Consultant for companies in Israel, the US and the EU. Joel is a Forbes council member, a blogger with the QA Intelligence Blog, and is constantly imparting webinars on a number of testing and Quality Related topics. In addition, Joel is the founder and Chair of the OnlineTestConf, the co-founder of the State of Testing survey and report and a Director at the Association of Software Testing. Joel is a conference speaker, presenting in various conferences and forums worldwide, among them the STAR Conferences, STPCon, JaSST, TestLeadership Conf, CAST, QA&Test, and more.
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