The Rapid Software Testing Guide to What You Meant To Say – Michael Bolton

13th January 2023
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Michael Bolton's profile
Michael Bolton

The Rapid Software Testing Guide to What You Meant To Say – Michael Bolton image
Talk Description

“I break the software.” “Cannot reproduce.” “We need a week to regress the new build.” “We have to do automation.” “It works!” From time to time, testers say things that they don’t mean, sometimes as a slip, and sometimes as a habit. Usually, there’s no malice or intention to mislead, but our clients may be deceived nonetheless. Worse, we can deceive ourselves.

Words are powerful tools for understanding and clarifying ideas, but like all tools, they must be used skilfully to achieve their purposes and to avoid trouble. In the Rapid Software Testing Guide to What You Meant To Say, Michael Bolton will report on some common expressions and patterns of speech that he considers risky, and he’ll offer ideas for using words more carefully and precisely.

This talk by Michael Bolton was presented at our software testing conference TestBash 2015 in Brighton

What you’ll learn

By the end of this talk, you'll be able to:

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Michael Bolton's profile'

Michael Bolton

Michael Bolton is a consulting software tester and testing teacher who helps people to solve testing problems that they didn't realize they could solve. He is the co-author (with senior author James Bach) of Rapid Software Testing, a methodology and mindset for testing software expertly and credibly in uncertain conditions and under extreme time pressure. Michael has 25 years of experience testing, developing, managing, and writing about software. For the last 18 years, he has led DevelopSense, a Toronto-based testing and development consultancy. Prior to that, he was with Quarterdeck Corporation for eight years, during which he managed the company’s flagship products and directed project and testing teams both in-house and around the world.
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