Sauce Labs Answer Your Questions
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Sauce Labs Answer Your Questions

Get to know our 30 Days of Tools sponsors.  Sauce Labs answers your questions! 

How does your tool improve my life as someone in QA?

By making it easy to test in parallel, using your existing test code, and identifying failure patterns across your organization.


What misconceptions are there around your tool?

That we only enable Selenium testing, and don't work with other solutions.

What tool feature are you most proud of?

That the Sauce Labs Testrunner Toolkit is platform agnostic. I love that we're enabling a huge variety of software delivery teams. You can use it with CI/CD or locally, you can run in containers or with the Sauce Labs cloud, and we support many popular E2E test frameworks.


What is your roadmap and how do you decide what to prioritize?

We're aiming to provide a unified digital confidence solution for every team and every software delivery professional. Prioritising is always a challenge, especially since we serve everyone from single teams to huge organisations, banks and blogs and governments and retail. We focus on features that will help us make more teams, more satisfied with what they're sharing with their customers.


How do you involve your customers in your tool development process?

Our customers have great ideas which they share with us all the time. We get suggestions from our feature request portal, but also from customer-facing teams. Our Support team are, frankly, geniuses, and they're always sharing potential improvements with our product teams. Our Sales organisation helps keep us on track with what new customers are looking for, and our CSM teams are always going to bat for their customer's needs. We also reach out to customers as often as we can! Our customer advisory board meets regularly, giving us input into our roadmap and features. We also run extensive beta programs for new features and incorporate that feedback.


How do you test your own tool?

With ;) Our front-end team uses Screener and Storybook to ensure our visual design is presented correctly and functioning as it should. Throughout our dev process, we rely on automated functional and unit testing, as well as a huge suite of integration testing. Then, we run in-situ deployment tests, as well as post-deployment verification and production monitoring. Given the number of systems we have (running a Cloud is no easy task), there's no one single solution for automation, but a concert of systems working together helps keep things reliable.

What is the most under-appreciated feature of your tool?

Test Insights; The ability to see how your tests perform over time.

How do you support your customers when releasing tool updates?

We're constantly releasing updates! New features get documentation and examples, and our amazing Customer Support team is always around to help.


What type of support is given when purchasing your tool?

All customers have access to our documentation and training, as well as access to our Support team. Our Customer Satisfaction for support is one of the highest in the industry! Enterprise contracts include dedicated Customer Success managers, and we have a full team of Solutions Architects and integration partners to help make everyone successful.


How would you like to keep the conversation going with the Ministry of Testing community in the long term?

Everyone at Sauce Labs is here because we love helping our peers make their customers happy. We know that that MOT has a fantastic, energised community, and we want to make sure we're a well known name, with thoughtful things to contribute and the ability to listen and respond to what the community needs.

Sauce Labs
Sauce Labs
Sauce Labs is the company enterprises trust to deliver digital confidence. More than 3 billion tests have been run on the Sauce Labs Continuous Testing Cloud, the most comprehensive and trusted testing platform in the world. Sauce Labs delivers a 360-degree view of a customer’s application experience, helping businesses improve the quality of their user experience by ensuring that web and mobile applications look, function, and perform exactly as they should on every browser, OS, and device, every single time. Sauce Labs enables organizations to increase revenue and grow their digital business by creating new routes to market, protecting their brand from the risks of a poor user experience, and delivering better products to market, faster.
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