Here's a handy list for software testers of web service tools that you might find useful.
- Apigee — API console (many APIs available).
- HTTP Master — HttpMaster has an elegant and easy to use interface, compact installation package and does not require any advanced technical skills.
- JSONLint — JSON validator.
- Parasoft SOAtest — Automated e2e API testing.
- Artemave/REST-assured — Real stubs and spies for HTTP(S) services.
- SOAP UI — The Complete API Test Automation Framework for SOAP, REST and more.
- Altova - XMLspy — Altova XMLSpy® 2016 is the industry's best-selling XML editor for modeling, editing, transforming, and debugging XML-related technologies.
- Turbo — (Online Container Farm) Run applications instantly on any PC with Turbo Windows® Containers.
- Wamp Server — WampServer is a Windows web development environment. It allows you to create web applications.
- LAMP Server — This document will walk you through the installation of what is known as a "LAMP" system: Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.
- XAMPP — XAMPP is a completely free, easy to install Apache distribution containing MariaDB, PHP, and Perl.
More to add?
Are there any resources we’ve missed? Do you know of any great web service tools that we should add to this list? Share your findings on The Club and we’ll review it to be added to this list.