Testing Ask Me Anything - Test Reporting

10th January 2023
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Elizabeth Zagroba's profile
Elizabeth Zagroba

Quality Lead

Testing Ask Me Anything - Test Reporting image
Should we be creating test reports if no-one reads them?
How does a test report relate to the products requirements and acceptance criteria?
What indicators do you usually put in your reports?
My colleagues struggle with reporting in daily meetings. Saying you did testing and you do testing or only talking about bugs gives a bad impression. How should this be done better?
My colleagues struggle with reporting in daily meetings. Saying you did testing and you do testing or only talking about bugs gives a bad impression. How should this be done better?
How does a test report relate to a test strategy. And how can it give us confidence that we're doing the right things in our testing?
I know you're a brilliant exploratory tester. What does that mean for how you report when you learn while testing?
How can we determine metrics to use in reports that are useful, and not there just because graphs and pie charts are pretty?
How much time/effort should I invest in my test reporting?
What are some of the challenges in test reporting?
What KPI's are best practice for test reports?
What is the best font to use in a test report?
I facilitate multi-team agile testing from within one team. My management keeps asking me to report on bugs and I don't want to. I want the team to report on bugs and for me to focus on coverage. Do you great advice on how I could approach this?
What type of framing for audiences - who to report to and cadence when to report - do you prefer?
What are good ways to practice my test reporting?
ChaptHow do you make the test report understandable to all?er Title
Our host Vernon Richards will be joined by Elizabeth Zagroba to answer all your questions.
In an Agile/DevOps environment, you have more opportunities than ever to report about testing. You catch a missing requirement in a refinement session. You point things out as you pair or ensemble. You’re telling people about what you did during stand-up. Your pipeline turns red and rejects a commit.
Elizabeth uncovers some of the ways you are delivering information about the quality of your software and about how testing is going. Let's explore the many different forms a test report can take and how you can make them more effective.

This Testing Ask Me Anything was sponsored by Sauce Labs.   Sauce Labs is the platform developers trust to help them deliver better software, faster. Our continuous testing cloud accelerates CI/CD without compromising quality. It delivers a 360-degree view of a customer’s application experience, ensuring that web and mobile applications look, function, and perform exactly as they should on every browser, OS, and device. Co-founded by the creator of Selenium, Sauce Labs remains deeply rooted in the open source community, and supports developers with a combination of expertise, data insight, and customer care that no other automated testing provider can match. Get started with a free trial.

Elizabeth Zagroba's profile'

Elizabeth Zagroba

Quality Lead

Elizabeth is Quality Lead at Mendix in Rotterdam. She reviews and contributes code to a Python test automation repository for 15+ teams building Mendix apps across three units. She builds exploratory testing skills by asking pointed questions throughout the unit, facilitating workshops, and coordinating an ensemble (mob) testing practice. She injects what she learns from conferences, books, and meetups into her daily work, and spreads her knowledge through the company-wide Agile guild she facilitates. She's presented at conferences throughout North America and Europe, and co-organizes the Friends of Good Software conference (FroGS conf http://frogsconf.nl/). She coaches people to success when possible, but isn't afraid to direct when necessary. She's the go-to person for things like supporting new presenters, reviewing documentation, navigating tricky organizational questions, and thinking critically about what we're building. Her goal is to guide enough testers, leaders, etc. to make herself redundant so she can take on new and bigger challenges. You can find Elizabeth's big thoughts on her blog (https://elizabethzagroba.com/) and little thoughts on Twitter @ezagroba.
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