Brighton Meetup
We are super excited to have an expert on Testability, Ash Winter, join us for a fun interactive event all about, you guessed it, testability.
Cogapp UK
Unit D-E South, Level 8
New England House
The event will start at 6pm and last around 2.5 hours. The running of the evening will be as follows:
- Arrival, networking, food and drinks will be provided
- Around 6:30pm kick off the Testability Quiz
From Ash:
I have a theory. Its that testers struggle on with hard to test systems, doing their best to deliver in trying circumstances. Maybe we think things can't be changed, or maybe we don't know what to change. Or we can't get any buy in for those changes. I also want to know if people have super testable systems but haven't shared their success quite yet. Time for a quiz.
I want to do a few things:
- Use the Ten P's of Testability and gather some anonymous data to see what testability is really like for the whole group.
- Talk about social and technical testability and look back on our careers in testability, identifying the good, the bad and the indifferent.
- Introduce the CODS (Controllability, Observability, Decomposability and Simplicity) model to help improve the testability of the systems we test.
Its going to be a busy couple of hours and I'm relying on you, the attendee, to bring your testability stories that you are comfortable with sharing. This will really help any of your fellow testers to realise they are not alone in having a hard to test system, or to provide inspiration that things can be different.
I'm Ash Winter, a tester and international speaker on testing and testability. Along with a number of other community minded souls, I am one of the co-organisers of the Leeds Testing Atelier. I am also co-author of the Team Guide to Software Testability. Better testability is one of the keys to unlocking a whole team testing mindset and helping testers get out of the daily pain of hard to test systems. This is my mission!
This event is kindly being hosted and sponsored by Cogapp at their wonderful Brighton offices.